What other services would people be interested to have available via slrpnk.net?

Keeping in mind that it should not be too resource heavy on the server I was thinking of maybe a Bookstack Wiki for collaborative writing of fiction and non-fiction?

A XMPP chat service would also be easy to add.

Sadly Lemmy currently AFAIK offers no account integration options, so that will make things a bit annoying.

  • @ex_06
    1 year ago

    deleted by creator

    • @sexy_peach@feddit.de
      32 years ago

      For other services… Idk, prob would be better to focus on empowering lemmy first

      maybe sunbeam.city and slrpnk.net can shout each other out, so interested people can figure out if they like the other better.

    • poVoqOPMA
      12 years ago

      Bookstack isn’t really a classic wiki, more something to write and catalogue books with.