• ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
    42 years ago

    Britons need to scrap their entire political system and replace it with one that’s built in the interest of the working class from the ground up. As Lenin put it:

    We cannot do without officials under capitalism, under the rule of the bourgeoisie. The proletariat is oppressed, the working people are enslaved by capitalism. Under capitalism, democracy is restricted, cramped, curtailed, mutilated by all the conditions of wage slavery, and the poverty and misery of the people. This and this alone is the reason why the functionaries of our political organizations and trade unions are corrupted – or rather tend to be corrupted—by the conditions of capitalism and betray a tendency to become bureaucrats, i.e., privileged persons divorced from the people and standing above the people.

    That is the essence of bureaucracy; and until the capitalists have been expropriated and the bourgeoisie overthrown, even proletarian functionaries will inevitably be “bureaucratized” to a certain extent.

    • @zksmkOP
      22 years ago

      And that’s cool and all, but good luck with that endeavour if people can’t even seem to agree to tweak their electoral system a bit. The UK, of all places, tends to be very revolution averse when it comes to politics.