the wolves always move the goalpost regarding who, exactly, is the weakest or sickliest. whenver they take the weakest or sickliest, ANOTHER one becomes the weakest/sickliest after that.
It will happen to
Y O U .this is unrelated to any real world events
Why do the largest herbivores not simply band together to stamp out the intruding wolves once and for all?
Yeah…that’s why we did it.
Got to ensure a healthy population somehow.
Plus that dude annoying af
Antelope eugenics
No worries mate, as long as you’re not the weakest and the sickliest, you’ll probably fare okay.
Me, bedridden and tubefed due to severe disability that Republicans claim is a fake illness [concerned side-eye]
No worries mate, as long as you lay very still so you don’t trigger any predators’ hunting instincts, you’ll probably fare okay.
Skill issue