Beehaw strives to be open about everything we do, including our state of affairs financially. As a reminder, you can view our financials and information about this website on the link in the post. Here’s a quick recap of income we earned in 2022:

feb 18.33
mar 4.31
apr 0
may 8.96
jun 9.28
jul 0
aug 0
sep 38.76
oct 19.46
nov 5.52
dec 18.8
avg 11.22

We’re currently earning a bit more on average per month than it cost to run our current server, but we will likely need to update how much storage we have available within the next year to support growth and ongoing activities. I’m unsure of the cost to do so as I’m not managing that part of the server, but for the sake of transparency wanted to highlight what’s happening.

If you have any questions about how we run things feel free to chime in.

    61 year ago

    We’re currently earning a bit more on average per month than it cost to run our current server

    awesome, that’s good to hear.