• anji
    1 year ago

    When I go to https://beehaw.org/c/music@lemmy.ml I see “0 subscribers”. It appears nobody on Beehaw subscribes to this external community. This means posts and comments are not actively being pushed from Lemmy.ml to Beehaw. Until at least one Beehaw user subscribes to this community it will remain in a sort of limbo-state with missing posts and comments.

    I have asked the Lemmy developers to implement more proactive “fetch posts/comments from remote” behavior for instances, but while they acknowledge this could be more intuitive it’s not a priority on their roadmap.

    To be clear this is not a bug as such, just how Lemmy federation works currently.

    • @jherazob@beehaw.orgOP
      81 year ago

      The logical thing would be that if i open a post it MUST get all the comments on it, anything else makes absolutely no sense

      • Chris Remington
        1 year ago

        I and many others agree. Here’s an idea -> Once, every other week, someone goes over to Lemmy Support and makes a post about it. They will, eventually, fix this.

          • Chris Remington
            71 year ago

            Please, don’t abandon ship just yet. As I stated before, they will get around to fixing this. I’ve been here a little over a year and have witnessed many improvements.

            • @jherazob@beehaw.orgOP
              41 year ago

              Good intuition, was actually thinking it, i came from Reddit looking for a new home after 17 years there and was rather disappointed, don’t see any point in commenting only for the words being lost to the wind and me ending yelling at clouds, was actually thinking “where to now?”. Will wait and see.

          • anji
            71 year ago

            I agree it’s broken, however YSK this is also a side-effect of the design principles of ActivityPub.

            If you use Mastodon you may have noticed boosted posts from people you… A. don’t follow and B from other instances have no replies. This is especially noticeable if you’re on a small or personal instance. The root cause is identical to missing posts/comments on Lemmy: Nobody pushed the replies, and Mastodon won’t fetch it for you.

            Some sort of standardized “History fetching” mechanism would’ve been nice if it were in the actual spec IMO.

          • Sky Cato
            41 year ago

            I think those two posts are posted by 2 diffferent users

    • Peter1986C
      31 year ago

      I just subbed to that /c/ as it might be both interesting and helping (you) out.