Drawn up in 2021 by the Kremlin’s Directorate for Cross-Border Cooperation, the Kremlin’s plans do not focus on cooperation. “This is the old KGB method: ‘We should weaken our enemies. And the best way to weaken them is from inside, not from outside.’ What they are good at is dividing societies, creating problems, creating conflicts", says Marius Laurinavičius, a Lithuanian expert on international affairs.

  • @0x815@feddit.deOP
    411 months ago

    "Knowing how the Russian regime operates, I can say that the employees there have a habit of lying to their bosses because the bosses don’t like to receive unvarnished accounts of the real situation. If you provide them with embellished stories, you will live in an illusion. The Russian system is built on everyone bluffing. Those few who try to convey the real picture are mentally eaten out by the system.”

  • petrescatraian
    311 months ago

    @0x815 the 1990-2008 really was a haven period for us, the folks in Eastern Europe. I remember a video from Recorder where someone said that the Snagov Declaration may not have been possible without the USSR implosion and the Moscow still bordering us (Ion Iliescu, our first more or less democratically elected president, was even hoping for closer ties with it, initially, before its collapse was more than evident).

    Nowadays we have a far-right party called AUR led by a controversial figure who met FSB agents in the past is already the third option in the votes, according to recent polls. I am highly concerned that, once they get to power, among others, they will just halt aid for Ukraine indefinitely and push for efforts of taking us out of the EU and out of NATO.

    • @0x815@feddit.deOP
      311 months ago

      It’s not a big stretch to say they’re agressive toward a couple more neighboring countries.

      Sadly true. Basically they will be aggressive towards all neighbours striving for democracy imo, because an autocrat’s real enemy is not a foreign force but a free society where those in political power are held accountable.