• alyaza [they/she]OPM
    711 months ago

    this is one of the craziest privacy policies i’ve ever seen. this was verbatim published, yes including the typos and the parenthetical that’s apparently an internal comment

    “As noted in the Terms of Use, we do not knowingly collect or solicitPersonal Data about children under 13 years of age; ifyou are a child under the age of 13, please do not attempt to register for orotherwise use the Services or send us any Personal Data. Use of the Servicesmay capture the physical presence of a child under the age of 13, but noPersonal Data about the child is collected. If we learn we have collectedPersonal Data from a child under 13 years of age, we will delete thatinformation as quickly as possible. (I don’t know that this is accurate. Do wehave to say we will delete the information or is there another way aroundthis)? If you believe that a child under 13 years of age may have providedPersonal Data to us, please contact us at…”

  • @Hirom@beehaw.org
    511 months ago

    Assume any connected TV, either free or expensive, collect personal infos, likely show targeted advertising, until proven otherwise.

    If that’s a concern to you, buy instead a TV that only receive broadcasting (eg DTTV) or a big computer screen with Kodi running on a mini PC.