„Danke Kuh, dass du auf unser Feld gekackt hast!“ – Kind einer Gewinnerfamilie
„Danke Kuh, dass du auf unser Feld gekackt hast!“ – Kind einer Gewinnerfamilie
Jo, gestern noch bei der Arbeit vor Ort gemusst, heute krank. Und gerade eben noch festgestellt, dass der Heizungsthermostat klemmt. Juhu.
Hat sich aber zum Glück “reparieren” lassen, indem ich den Thermostat abmontiert habe. Wird jetzt die Nacht über voll durchheizen, aber ist mir im Moment ganz recht.
Well, if they were drunk, they can’t legally consent…
Statcounter relies on web tracking to try to estimate the usage shares. Theoretically, there could be millions of science PCs running Linux, but one guy is browsing the internet with a Windows PC. Basically, take this data with a massive grain of salt…
I’m pretty sure that’s not how dyslexia works, but either way, I didn’t write that. And while the title of the article suggests otherwise, the news here isn’t that Google says something is easy. The news is that they published a guide to make that thing easy.
Wut? They’re a member, because they find Rust useful. This is just them saying another time that they find Rust useful.
While they (and everyone using Rust) will benefit off of more people using Rust, it’s not like they have a vested interest to the point of spreading misinformation.
What annoys me about that phrasing, is that “how water feels” is quite relevant to how humans feel.
The obvious example is that if it’s below 0°C, it starts freezing, which causes slippery sidewalks, snow, dry air, all that stuff.
But just in general having a feeling how much water will evaporate and later precipitate at certain temperatures, and even stuff like how hot beverages and cooking temperatures are, it’s all still relevant for humans…
Ein Smartphone, das gut sichtbar auf dem Tisch platziert sei, schränke die Konzentration der Schülerinnen und Schüler und damit die Lernprozesse ein.
Spannend, habe das bei mir auch schon beobachtet. Teilweise einfach nur etwas so dummes, wie das Handy z.B. hinter den Laptop-Bildschirm oder 20cm weiter weg legen, damit es nicht mehr im Blickwinkel ist, hilft bei mir meist schon.
Wobei ich den Vorteil habe, dass wenn ich mich mal konzentrieren kann, dann vergesse ich meine Umgebung komplett (vmtl. autistische Hyperfixation). Kann mir schon vorstellen, wenn man sich im Unterricht langweilt, dass man trotzdem Gedanken an das Handy verliert, auch wenn es abgedeckt ist.
Bei mir ist es so, wahrscheinlich ähnlich wie bei vielen Jugendlichen, dass ich die meisten Medien über’s Handy konsumiere. Ich gehe davon aus, dass das zu Assozation führt, und deswegen die Konzentration weg ist, wenn ich es im Blickfeld habe.
Habe deswegen auch schon überlegt, ein drittes Gerät nur für Medienkonsum zu kaufen, aber ich befürchte, dass der zusätzliche Pflegeaufwand jeglichen Mehrwert zu nichte machen würde…
As many here have commented, the map is pretty bad and lots of these are not officially recognized as national flowers.
Having said that, actual national flowers, much like national animals, are often just whatever commonly grows in the country (assuming there is one flower that really sticks out).
They don’t have to be unique, because you’ll have a flag or a coat of arms for that purpose (which may portray that flower or animal, for what it’s worth). So, they’re rather just part of the “national branding”, if you will.
Sources: www.wikipedia.org | www.google.com
How to piss off every teacher ever. 🙃
Just because a company has created a product, doesn’t mean that anyone has made a moral judgement. Even if some vegetarians decide to eat this, it still doesn’t mean that all vegetarians agree.
I had my mum try some fried tofu recently and she said, it tastes like spam. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I have actually seen it in an XML file in the wild. Never quite understood why they did it. Anything they encoded into there, they could have just added a node for.
But it was an XML format that was widely used in a big company, so presumably somewhere someone wrote a shitty XML parser that can’t deal with additional nodes. Or they were just scared of touching the existing structure, I don’t know.
The thing is, it was never really intended as a storage format for plain data. It’s a markup language, so you’re supposed to use it for describing complex documents, like it’s used in HTML for example. It was just readily available as a library in many programming languages when not much else was, so it got abused for data storage a lot.
They’ve got a page for all the Rust stuff: https://community.kde.org/Rust
It always bothers me about this whole vertical tab concept, that, on a theoretical level, I’m fully on board with what you’re saying. But in practice, I’ll often have Firefox tiled side-by-side with another window, and then it’s painful for that sidebar to take up any space at all.
I am happy, though, that this feature is being integrated for the people that find it useful.
I don’t understand what he’s saying at all, though.
They announced both initiatives, LLM and built-in sidebar tabs, I think, even in the same blog post.
An LLM is much easier to integrate, of course it’s going to be ready a few months earlier.
I do not understand what was supposedly worked on for 10 years. Assuming he means sidebar tabs because LLMs didn’t exist 10 years ago, yeah, they’ve done the work to allow for extensions to provide sidebar tabs. You install Tree-Style Tabs or similar and you have sidebar tabs.
I haven’t looked into the chatbot thingy at all yet, but if it meets basic quality standards (local LLM, not too large in size, actually helpful), then personally, I do actually think that it should be included by default, because it’ll primarily help out the kind of users who don’t know to install add-ons.
Like, people had the same complaint with the translation feature they included, and I’m just seeing my dad who doesn’t speak English, who would never hear of such an add-on, where this just opens up a big chunk of the web to him.
I enjoy how he effectively says that Obamacare is pretty fucking good. If you think about it for 9 years and you don’t come up with something better, maybe it’s time to admit that it’s actually a solid approach.