• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 25th, 2023


  • I think that country needs a revolution, after which a completely new constitution needs to be written with a complete new governing system. Getting rid of corruption. Dividing the massive country into smaller countries, with rules and regulations on a smaller scale. Because every state is different. It’s going to cause a lot of death, misery, suffering, but sometimes you need to endure extra pain to get better. Like surgery, it’s painful but without it you will end up with more pain and suffering in the long run. But you need insurance for that so most Americans probably don’t know what I’m talking about.

  • Since criminals can be president now, I think Joe Exotic should be president. Make America exotic again!

    People don’t want to empower the workers and take away money and power from billionaires. Bernie Sanders already tried this but it’s not how America works and what Americans want.

    With the current system, every new party will take away votes from the party it’s closest to. This ensures more voting percentage for the opponents. So when you create a socialist party, most of the votes you will get will be from democrats who won’t vote for the democratic party, so it’s easier for the Republicans to win. You just helped the opposite side.

    Maybe when you create a party close to the Republicans you can steal their voters so the democrats have a higher chance of winning. Maybe do the same within the democrats to scatter their votes in a way so Bernie will get the majority.

  • I feel fucking tired and hopeless with all the conflicts, extremism, hate and stupidity in the world right now. People are claiming murdering a CEO is a major win with the entire Healthcare drama, while next month antivax RFK Jr. Will be health minister. Idiocracy was meant to be a comedy, not a manual. Right now it’s a documentary.

    when you know nothing about who they voted for or whether they voted at all?

    I don’t believe the voting system is good, I’m even against it. But not voting is so fucking dumb, when you didn’t vote you’re not allowed to complain about anything because you kept your mouth shut when you had a chance to say something. I really feel sorry for the people who did chose the lesser of 2 bad choices. Although I do think murdering people doesn’t make things better. It only helps escalate the situation and cuts off a head which will grow back even bigger and stronger. I don’t feel bad for the CEO, it’s understandable what happened when you make people their lives missersble en masse. But it’s not going to change anything. When they catch the guy he’ll be sentenced and a new CEO will get better protection.

    So no, it doesn’t make me feel better. People need to see things in perspective and stop thinking life is a Hollywood movie.

  • Because most people follow the one that shouts the loudest. The person who claims to have the answer to all problems usually does really well during elections, especially when there are many things not going too well. It doesn’t matter whether these persons actually have a solid solution, they don’t even have to have a plan, only shout they know what to do. People don’t want to spend their time to figure out whether a poliyion consists of empty promises and lies, people expect politicians to be honest. Most of the time the populist politicians not just claim they have the answer and solution to all, they also make their competition look evil by claiming they are corrupt, nazis, communists, pedophiles, etc. “You don’t want to vote for a pedo, do you?” No matter the acts they committed themselves. For example, Hitler claimed to be a national ‘socialist’ while claiming the dirty communists are evil, winning the socialist votes. Putin, who is a full nazi based on his actions, invades Ukraine “to fight nazis”. Trump, who is an extreme right wing politician with a long friendship with Epstein and now a criminal record, claims his opponents are nazis, pedos and criminals and those should never hold office.

    Facts don’t matter, it’s all feelings. The one who knows how to hit that usually is very popular during less stable times. So when billionaires claim they can end wars, bring us to Mars, fix the economy, drive out those criminal desease infested immigrants (or jews in nazi Germany setting) (see, making them look super evil, dehumanizing them, creating a villain only they have a solition to), people just think “he’s successful with all his money, lying on such a large scale can’t be possible right, the opposition apparently is super evil, he must be a good candidate”.

    TLDR: Fueling hate and anger, claiming to be the only one with a solution usually works to get people’s votes. And the general public is too dumb to see beyond empty promises and they dismiss facts over feelings.