I don’t think they’re suggesting the entire world becomes a giant foster home. That’s not really the spirit of this post.
I don’t think they’re suggesting the entire world becomes a giant foster home. That’s not really the spirit of this post.
There’s a world of difference between an annoying vegan and veganism being annoying.
I thought we were going to be wanting an NSFW tag on that. Glad we didn’t.
(One quick websearch later) Ah, I see. Thanks - that makes a lot more sense to me now. Good luck.
That’s the most pointless piece of data I’ve ever read - why would you include it? I now have problems accepting the veracity of the others; and possibly the mindset of the compiler.
I think the original book title is: Rita Hayworth And Shawshank Redemption. So not as crazy as it seems.
I know a guy called Bob who bought a monkey, from the FreeAds, back in the early eighties…
I don’t care if this sentence has a typo - I like how it reads.
I’ve told you countless trillions of times to stop exaggerating.
Tell me how it was captaining the University Debate Team, if you’d be so kind. /s
Fortunately a 3 story building has the same number of floors (although numbered differently) in both continents; or we’d truly be in an architectural pickle.
Essentially, yes. All of the surface of planet earth is ground level to us, whether a building exists there or not. You would then be on the first (man made) floor above the ground. Even a tent has a ground floor. Think of the ground as zero. Anything above counts upwards. Anything below downwards.
Grab the pussy, then eat the pussy?
We think of it as the first floor that is above the level of the ground - the planet supplies ground level, we just count every level we put above it.
In European history this happened on the ninth of November.
That’s the thing with a lot of US-centric topics on here. The problem with freedom of speech for everyone is that a thousand loud voices saying the same thing drown out one quiet question.
I remember. What an absolute culinary hero that dude was.
I’ve never heard of that bracelet (surprise surprise) - talk about a pipe dream. I just want to be able to view diagrams and plans on something bigger than a phone. Whilst on site and off grid. And yes, I know they’re available on paper but… reasons. We use tough-tablets sometimes but their pretty cumbersome when not in use.
Technically they are (probably) advocating a third person to perform a violent act. The case would resolve around the definition of “needs to” but forget about all that… Tell me more about this car crash, the levels of karmic justice that would wash over the planet could usher in a new wave of progress. Without wanting to sound greedy, would it be possible that Musk could be giving Jordan “Benzo” Peterson a lift at the same time? Fingers crossed 🤞
Back on the Benzos? Go tidy your room and have a shower; you’ll be fine.