I feel like I’ve heard about friends and parents chipping in small amounts to startups, is that a recent change or is there a limit on how much you can invest?
I feel like I’ve heard about friends and parents chipping in small amounts to startups, is that a recent change or is there a limit on how much you can invest?
The name’s shotwell, Tayka shotwell
If it’s got that proboscis and fancy feet, it’s probably a weevil (I am not an entomologist)
I can’t tell if it’s anti passive-aggression or ultra passive-aggressive, but it works, lol.
I’ve only seen the first season so far (my borg-loving husband won rock paper scissors, and we’re finishing voyager first), but that’s wild. I’m very excited for Rom’s character development.
A man May be in Queen.
My cat will ignore wet food and meat if there are carrots around. Carrots are obviously not as unhealthy as donuts (to humans at least, I gotta assume that’s true for cats too), but they’re still not something I would expect cats to go for.
I’m also autistic and I discovered (accidentally, when I reacted earnestly once) that if you say “I’m sorry you think that, do you want to talk about your self image?,” it ends the conversation without ending the relationship (useful for colleagues or similar).
My sister adopted my niece and later my nephew, who have the same biological mother. The bio mom has lived a rough life and has my sympathy, but she’s not a good mother and every minute that she has children in her care, they’re being neglected at best. Unfortunately, she doesn’t seem to care much about getting pregnant, so she’s had 7-8 kids at this point.
I’d rather the state keep her name on a list than let children suffer or sterilize someone against their will. I don’t really see a fourth option.
I also looked it up, because those don’t look like cat paws to me, and I’m pretty sure this is just a chubby raccoon. Others look similar, just smaller and with different markings
My old doctor once gave me an antipsychotic for ADHD, because they thought I was looking for stimulants. It did not help.
My mom was an esl and special education teacher, who raised my audhd siblings and me similarly. My oldest sister is kind of a bad speller, and it turns out she’s straight up dyslexic and my mom taught her how to read and write so that it didn’t matter. Unfortunately she’s dead and nobody in my family knows how she did it.
I would be conflicted about a child with infantile tay-Sachs (there are probably other similar diseases, but I don’t know them). That’s a short, excruciating life, and I would not want to live it. But the idea of someone choosing euthanasia for someone else, even someone under their care, is pretty abhorrent to me. It seems too ripe for abuse, and the right to decide to end your own life should not be transferable. The ending of it can be, but only under circumstances determined by the person (so I could tell my husband that I don’t want to keep going if I can’t recognize my children, for example, and when I reach that point, he could kill me, but he can’t decide what the line is).
I’ve never hung out with one, but they were common in my neighborhood growing up and they were honestly pretty nonviolent. They just play dead instead of aggressing , but I also never pushed them to interact
Is it physically impossible or physically impossible for a human? Obviously something can punch a hole through it, but is the material not strong enough to sustain the force needed for it and to hold together?
I thought this was the onion
The show that kept Joe Rogan in the public eye between fear factor and his podcast? Yeah, fuck that noise.
In the 1971 case of Arkell v Pressdram,[76] Arkell’s lawyers wrote a letter which concluded: “His attitude to damages will be governed by the nature of your reply.” Private Eye responded: “We acknowledge your letter of 29th April referring to Mr J. Arkell. We note that Mr Arkell’s attitude to damages will be governed by the nature of our reply and would therefore be grateful if you would inform us what his attitude to damages would be, were he to learn that the nature of our reply is as follows: fuck off.”[77] The plaintiff withdrew the threatened lawsuit.[78] The magazine has since used this exchange as a euphemism for a blunt and coarse dismissal, i.e.: “We refer you to the reply given in the case of Arkell v. Pressdram”.[79][80] As with “tired and emotional” this usage has spread beyond the magazine.
For context, from the Wikipedia for private eye magazine
I work at a bakery, which means that I can give people free food when we have extras or when something gets a little banged up.
Money may not be able to buy happiness, but godDAMN is surprising people with free food one of the best feelings in the world.
I teach recent immigrants the language spoken here and work at a medium sized chain bakery. Both are pretty good.