• 3 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: April 24th, 2024

  • possibly because it could be easily confused with ‘fix this shit’?

    Who knows, theres no real rhyme or reason to how lingo evolves, somethings get popular, other don’t others go through popularity waves and other totally change meaning.

    For example, the origin of the phrase ‘pull yourself up by your bootstraps’ is, in its original context, meant to denote something that is obviously impossible.

    You cant pull your feet up so hard you’ll float or fly. Its like the modern nonsense propulsion/infinite energy memes from 4chan or plugging a power strip into itself to power it

    But, nowadays, it means basically ‘do something difficult and unpleasant’, wíth the implication that ‘i did it, so can you, if you cant or dont, there must be something wrong with you’.

    Almost the opposite of its original meaning.

  • sp3tr4l@lemmy.ziptoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldOutstanding idea.
    1 hour ago

    …Costco, ie the Kirkland Brand, started in Kirkland WA, a suburb of Seattle.

    You are from another country though, so I can’t have expected you would know, it just pains me as I am from Seattle and am constantly astounded by Americans who think they know things about the region and very obviously do not.

    Like, if there was any real PNW people, they’d read what I’ve written above and argue about how Kirkland is its own city, or, its really a suburb of Bellevue, etc.

    To use another PNW saying:

    Well, whatever, nevermind.

  • Newgrounds (still exists!)

    Homestarrunner (still exists!)

    Neopets (also somehow still exists!)

    Websites for advertising movies was a thrilling new phenomenon.

    Search algorithms were much more primitive, but due to the public internet being basically much, much smaller, it was faaaar easier to find basically random people’s personal sites (before the term blog even came around), discussing a niche topic.

    At the same time, a whole lot of sites were still disseminated by word of mouth, person to person, or maybe via email. Running a TV ad for a website was basically a gigantic gamble for early sites… only those with huge amounts of money could even attempt it and it often just outright caused the whole enterprise to fail if you had moderate or little funding.

    We did not have touch screen mobile devices with full keyboards, we had SMS T9 texting, which (like pagers before them) led to shorthand (lol is probably the best example) and a good deal of early internet lingo.

    There was no ability to basically constantly post some kind if personal update to your personal site or eventually MySpace as is now the norm with modern tech and social media, so people that post usually put a good deal more thought into it.

    Forums. The old net used to be far, far more based on communities in forums. Far less emphasis on basically mundane, every day posts about your life and opinions, and more centered around actual discussion of topics or issues.

    Oh right of course: GameFaqs.

    Back when you could only use the internet if no one else was using a phone in the house, waay before 8 hour in depth video guides explained to you how to do everything in a game…

    We had to print out guides with chapter headings written in ASCII art, and it was quite common to be seen as giving up or cheating if you needed a guide to complete a mission or unlock some secret.

    Oh and if you think lag is a problem nowadays in online games, try playing an FPS where most people have a ping around or over 200, constantly rubber banding all over the place, yourself included.

    Or getting desynced in Starcraft for 30 seconds, every 5 minutes, basically every game.

  • You’ve got a horrible infection and a fever?

    I’ll be right over to slit your veins and let all the bad blood out.

    (In fairness I think bloodletting was mostly out of practice by the time actual telephones existed, but lol joke)

    Maybe a more time period accurate one would be:

    Your foot hurts? You think its from a badly fit shoe. Ok. Ok. Come over tomorrow and we will stick your foot into the wildly overpowered and unshielded x ray scope and we’ll see what can be done.

  • Hah!

    I have acetometaphine from Walmart.

    I was homeless for months after being assaulted in my own apartment, held hostage there for a week, guy trashed the place, I managed to escape.

    Without my wallet. Or phone. Or keys.

    My credit is now ruined, that guy did 30 days in jail and let right out and went back to terrorizing me.

    Couldn’t work, got evicted, barely managed to hop from motel to motel after getting SSDI payments instated while homeless.

    What I need is world class physical therapy, what I can afford is uh, maybe when Section 8 kicks in, maybe I will be able to get an apartment and then actually have credit companies believe I am me so that I can then have the luxury of spending 3 years doing nothing but paying off debt.

  • sp3tr4l@lemmy.ziptoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldOutstanding idea.
    9 hours ago

    Musk is SpaceX.

    He’s the frontman, even if Shotwell is the CEO now she’s made some of the absurd claims I’ve referenced.

    And SpaceX as a company, its developed products, fall laughably short of its promises, of its marketing.

    The rest of the Space industry, generally, is no where near as bombastic and obviously full of shit, instead preferring to develop and operate without grandiose media/public performances.

    There is a saying in business: Under-Promise, Over-Perform, or Over-Deliver.

    SpaceX does the opposite of this.

  • sp3tr4l@lemmy.ziptoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldOutstanding idea.
    5 hours ago

    While Falcon 9 is a dependable rocket…

    1. One has never been turned around as re-usable in anywhere near 24 or 72 hours as Musk claimed they would be, fastest turn around to date is I think 3 weeks, roughly in line with faster Space Shuttle turn around times. No where near ‘rapid’.

    EDIT: My turnaround times for the Space Shuttle were off, fastest was 55 days and its more like 3 months in average. The point I was attempting to illustrate, which is Rapid Reusability Is A Huge Element To Making The Cost Effectiveness Gains Promised, And SpaceX Is Still Off By An Order Of Magnitude, Over A Decade Into The Falcon Program.

    1. The cost to launch a Falcon 9 has never dropped to around 5 million dollars, as Musk claimed they would be. Even accounting for inflation, launches average around ten times the cost Musk said they would be. Musk is charging the government around 90 million per launch: Soyuz was the only option, so the Russians could overcharge a bit for ISS launches, now the Russians are not an option, and Musk is similarly overcharging.

    2. Starship/BFR is woefully behind the schedule for accomplishments that Musk claimed it would reach in his hype shows, woefully behind schedule for the NASA contract.

    3. Starship/BFR has cost taxpayers billions of dollars and so far has a proven payload capacity of 0, would require 12 to 16 launches to accomplish what a single Saturn V could do, has not demonstrated the capacity to refuel in orbit, is not human rated, and is now just being moved back to Starship 2 and 3, with Musk now claiming Starship 1 actually has half the orbital cargo capacity he has up to recently claimed it has.

    4. For comparison, the Saturn project had a development time similar to how long BFR/Starship has… never once failed, proved it could do what it needed to in 67, 7 years after development began.

    (They also had computers maybe a little bit more or less powerful than a ti-83 and had to basically invent a huge chunk of computer science)

    Starship/BFR development has been a shit show.

    Dear Moon is cancelled.

    Remember when the repulsive landing Dragon Capsule was going to land humans on Mars?

    Remember when we were going to have multiple Starships starting a Martian colony by now?

    SpaceX in general has gotten high on their own supply over the last 10 years and has made all sorts of lofty claims about lowering launch costs, rapid reusability, rockets for military asset deployment to anywhere on Earth, rockets as basically super fast commercial airliner travel, all of which have driven massive public hype and investor confidence, and then these claims are just forgotten about when it becomes apparent just how difficult these are to achieve, or in some cases, laughably, obviously unworkable with even a modicum of thought.

    The truth of the matter, as proven by Musk’s handling of his other companies, is that Musk just says things, “We can do this now!”, when in reality he’s basically had a napkin drawing plan a month ago, calls this prototyping, and now its a month later, and he emailed somebody and said ‘Make this happen’ with no further explanation, thus the project is now in development.

  • sp3tr4l@lemmy.ziptoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldThe Crooked DOJ!
    11 hours ago

    I am 100% certain that my MAGA dad, who showed me how he builds ghost guns, is very vocally in support of Hunter being convicted when he is with his work buddies, but if he talked with me about it, would not be.

    If I managed to pin him in the discussion, he’d laugh and say something like well he shouldn’t have gotten caught and then change topic.

    I haven’t spoken to him in years, because he’s an unlikeable abusive narcissistic hypocrite who is incapable of being wrong… but the brainrot only ever gets worse once you go down the Q pipeline.