“Yet you participate in society, curious! I am very smart.”
“Yet you participate in society, curious! I am very smart.”
Maybe that one god is just plural
Yeah, the marketplace of ideas doesn’t really work because people can just lie and other manipulative tactics, and people (yes, you and me too) fall for it (you are not immune to propaganda).
That was kinda my dream as a kid, not that I knew those words. I guess it still is, but there are other decent possibilities too that seem more likely.
How so? I suspect I have ADHD for other reasons so I’d like to know.
Mental health issues have a tendency to do that. Despair, sadness, and numbness I find are very tiring. I might be much better than I was, but a lifetime of repressed feelings doesn’t just disappear, and I still have to worry about transphobia and what my government might do to me.
I was also constantly tired before transition, so I don’t think it’s transition that did it, probably just being trans in this society did it.
I have alkalinity in my blood!
*dies from bad blood pH*
I started that way, but I’m starting to get a little used to it and am finding more enjoyment in it than I used to. The hard part is feeling able to express what I want and do it, which I’m improving at!
Oh no, will evil transfem tell me I’m valid too?? 🥺
I’m so used to seeing strong breadwinner man + submissive stay-at-home wife, it’s nice seeing representation of more balanced relationships. There’s just something about people being so similar to each other that makes it feel better to me. It’s possible to do that with straight stories, but I’ve never seen it, whereas queer stories seem to default to it.
In public I present as my correct gender, I am no longer hiding it nor in an in-between state.
My gender is
{ toString: ()=>{String.prototype.toString = ()=>">:3"; return ":3";} }
I was always scared my infodumping would be called that. But now I’m socially transitioned so I can infodump to my heart’s content!
Mine isn’t very reliable. I feel thirsty while the pee’s clear, or sometimes not thirsty while it’s medium yellow. Or I just have ADHD.
I have 2 monitors at different refresh rates
Not trans^ω enough to be trans^ω
It’s certainly not enough, but I’d still prefer it over nothing. I’ll gladly take a miniscule win.
Source physics boobs?
I have a little bit of empathy for the people, but not for the position nor the system.