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Cake day: March 18th, 2024


  • It’s kings and such all over again, just by another name. They bought out the checks and balances of the founding fathers so a lot of that is illusion at this point.

    If it wasn’t, as one example, things like Google and Microsoft would’ve been split like Bell telephone already. Look at Clarence Thomas, as another example. Look at the high money duopoly that is our election system.

    We’re back to kings. I’m sure Madison and all the rest would be thrilled.

  • I typically ignore most of it in blissful ignorance, but had a recent exposure to someone called FrogBait. On the one hand I get it, especially when she’s ranting about trad wives or people destroying antique houses to make them look like new builds instead of just buying new builds. I was more fascinated by the confusion of seeing the juxtaposition of my childhood 80s (hair of almost everyone) and my college 90s overlaid on such a young person. But that’s cool.


    The objectionable part was a mild sense of a quality that I suspect isn’t FrogBait but the entire YouTube personality vibe as a whole that is oddly reminiscent of the brain impact of 1am infomercial loops of the 80s and 90s. Or QVC just on all the time.


    As unobjectionable as I found the individual and their product, at base, that type of content possesses a mind numbing, consumption vibe, not unlike a long TV ad. It ends in a frustrated standing up and rushing off to something, anything, productive, to shake off the brain fog. I don’t get why people are so attached to it.


    I suspect I sound old saying any of it.

  • It’s kinda like this. Say you lead the most boring, law abiding, square life, top 20% of the bell curve in that zone.

    Would you want strangers in your house, even if they couldn’t technically touch or take anything? Would you want them in your spouse’s closet? Your kid’s room? Looking in your fridge?

    Creepy and “hell no”, right?

    That’s what privacy is about. The right to lock your door against strangers snooping.

  • Medical clinics are often overbooked, like airports. This is why they give you an appointment time that is generally thirty minutes early. ONE late person fucks the entire day’s schedule after their appointment time, that’s how tightly management insists on arranging it. Even the extra time slots of the past are being booked or even double booked in advance of the day. Docs are often given 10-15min per patient. Those other rooms you see in the hall? There are patients inside waiting for doc to go down the line, as staff keeps refilling those rooms down the line as the doc finishes. You think there’s time to read between? Oh you sweet summer child. That’s not on docs, that’s on corporate. Whatever company logo is stamped on the clinic and also on the nearby hospital, they’re the ones making it happen that way. Why? More patients crammed into each day means more $$$. Quantity over quality. Clinic docs are also paid by patient encounter. So this works together to arrange what we in healthcare commonly call a clusterfuck.


    This is the part that’s probably messing with you most. And it likely won’t change. In medical, the assessment is sacrosanct. And your own. You MUST do it yourself. You don’t just go with the assessment of the first person to do one and never check again, you always check again. Always. Every visit. A lot can change in half a day. A day. A week. A month. And the quality of assessment changes with each person. Each person. Medical isn’t robots, it’s people, and most data collection happens through people. Each medical staff, doc or NP or RN or PA, gets their own assessments before they begin, unless they’re utter garbage at their jobs. This doctor never assessed you before, which means, they MUST assess you now, per their licensing. Also, a good chunk of what’s in the chart is old news. What’s right in front of you contains the best data about the patients present state. And the speed at which a clinic is to move from patient to patient, 2 min to read a chart isn’t part of the schedule. Even logging in these days can take half that 10min time slot due to old crappy computers. Sure stuff like moms medical history, what tests you’ve had already, and meds (pharmacies e-record talks to your medical e-record these days) is current, but your present state changes day to day and asking YOU what’s happening today is usually best practice and the most accurate. There’s no day prep time to a clinic day and no one takes “homework” home after work. It’s hit the ground running and just start diving into appointments. When the doc knows the patient already ofc this goes more smoothly because the doc knows the bigger picture. That’s why there’s an assigned doc for each patient.


    All the NPs being trained makes the process more difficult. Heavy revolving door there as they do their version of residency and then poof they’re gone to find their actual job.


    Wait until you’re admitted to a hospital from an emergency room, you’ll be in for a real treat. /s.

  • It’s called being on call. It requires an hourly wage for the duration. That said, call pay is usually garbage (like $4/hr). I would posit that call pay should be minimum wage, or more.

    This is no different that being required to pay out a lunch break if and when you’re required to remain available during said lunch break, can’t leave campus, or have to carry a live walkie/radio while “on break”. Federal definition of a lunch break defines it as “uninterrupted”.

    My on call works with garbage pay but if I’m called in it’s automatically OT, even if that’s my one shift that week. Ofc, I’m Union. Even so, the stand at the starting line, available pay, should be at least minimum wage.