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The original was posted on /r/Boise by /u/supercamp777 on 2024-07-07 03:44:15+00:00.

Hello, my name is Josh.

I have weeks - months long episodes of agoraphobia where I am seemingly unable to leave my room or answer the phone or really have my existence perceived in any way at all. I got on some new meds recently and have been doing really really well. I’ve been going on long walks by myself and just exploring random trails. I also started reading at coffee shops recently. Anyways, things like talking on the phone, or having lunch, or FaceTiming are EXTREMELY difficult for me. I used to be a great conversationalist but it’s like I’ve totally forgotten how to socialize. I really want to start working soon and making friends but it’s very clear when I do talk to people I’m often confusing or sort of scattered.

I’m 27, Mixed, Pansexual btw
