I felt so many weird emotions watching this, just running the gamut from one extreme to the other. It’s like this is what film should be used for, to provide a new experience and to just make people feel something, anything, whether it’s shock or disgust or even moments of self reflection where you wonder why you can’t allow yourself to laugh when there’s genuinely funny moments in this movie. I can honestly say I’ve never seen a film like this before. And even considering the subject matter, it never feels exploitative. I found myself thinking if I would have liked this as a young ghoul, but I don’t think so. Not only would I have not gotten it, but I would have felt weird treating it like another gore or shocker tape to show off to my friends. It’s about sociopathic moral bankruptcy, not about gross out thrills. But that sociopathy is orders of magnitude grosser than any ultra graphic faux snuff film I may have popped in the VCR at sleepovers to dare my buds to watch. There’s very few people I know that I would recommend this to, but to the handful I would I believe they’d feel the same way I do.

⭐⭐⭐⭐1/2 out of ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐