Quentin Tarantino is no longer planning to make “The Movie Critic,” which he had earlier said would be his final film as a director. It was confirmed Wednesday that the director had given the project a thumbs down.

“The Movie Critic” would have been Tarantino’s tenth feature film, but sources say he won’t be looking to rewrite the script or revive the project, instead making plans to move on to something new.

  • @notaviking@lemmy.world
    61 month ago

    I know I would have loved his last film no matter what, but I am glad he scrapped this idea. I love his love for over the top violence and I hope he chooses a great action premise with his witty dialogue. Django unchained is still my favourite film and I know he will take his craft seriously and not disappoint.

      • @notaviking@lemmy.world
        21 month ago

        He has other avenues after the 10th, like kill Bill vol 3, or even doing some TV episodes or an original series.

        But I am glad also he wants to end his career because it also makes you savour all his films, knowing there is not an endless supply.

        But I hope he does not burn himself out. We the audience can wait another 10 years if needs be

      • Neuromancer
        -61 month ago

        I’m hoping he still directs a few after this. He’s suggested this will be his last of his films but may direct others if it’s the right film.

        I have to say I was Excited to see his vision for Star Trek

        • Hey, numb nuts, what ban was I evading? Nothing stopped me from posting in your little clubhouse of a shit show. You lose an argument and you ban the other person? How republican of you.

  • @taanegl@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    …The Movie Critic.

    Coming to a theatre near you, is the story about a man…


    …at least we think he is a man, but he may also be part potato…


    …he could be a hybrid between a pygmy and Swizz monarchs…

    “I thought Switzerland was a constitutional democracy”

    …people just tune in for the funny shape of his head.

    “Hiiiii, guuuyyy~”

    …oh god, he’s looking at us. Don’t look in his direction…

    “It stinks.”

    A not so true story, rooted in the sick and twisted mind of a Hollywood manuscript writer who probably needs a long mental health hiatus… it’s…

    The Movie Critic

    Staring Seth Rogan as the highly intelligent raptor.

  • @CrabAndBroom@lemmy.ml
    126 days ago

    TBH I kind of wish he’d let go of the “10 films and done” rule, I worry that he’s just going to keep second-guessing his final film and throw away all sorts of films he otherwise would have made that would have been perfectly decent.

    But I suppose the scripts will always still exist, so someone else could always make them at some point. Worked out for True Romance and Natural Born Killers.