Some other good answers already but here’s a sound byte version:
It’s currently expensive to borrow money, and then the borrowed money isn’t as useful as it used to be.
Some other good answers already but here’s a sound byte version:
It’s currently expensive to borrow money, and then the borrowed money isn’t as useful as it used to be.
People will assume you work on Cybersecurity.
Edit: Also, people will use this method to verify an email is from you.
Holy cow. That is quite a read.
Ditto. I use Go
for this kind of thing.
Are they a good group of people?
They seem cool.
And what is a toot?
“toot” is just Mastodon for “Tweet”, since a Mastodon probably trumpeted.
This is great.
That’s the joke/point in many comics and comic book movies, too.
Subversive ideas can’t always be communicated openly in children’s media.
I think the world is a better place for having difficult disruptive ideas voiced in children’s movies, even when they’re only allowed to come out of the mouth of the bad guys.
Lol. Two things can both be bad.
Great movie.
I loved realizing that no child in the entire village lacks red hair.
I shall henceforth always call “The Proposal” by it’s corrected title “The HR Nightmare One”. That’s so perfect. Thank you for that.
If YAML and JSON were gripping my hands for dear life, dangling off of a cliff…
I would let both drop into the abyss so I could spend more time with INI.
would Python really be better if it switched to braces?
Yes. A thousand times, yes.
That is amazing.
I don’t know what I just read.
If my website ever gets married, I’m going to invite this website to stand next to it as a bridesmaid - because it makes my website look pretty by comparison.
I am 90% sure I have never taken any mind-altering drugs.
Before I read this comic, I was 99% sure.
Don’t worry! Mullets never went away.
The public lost faith, but the truly committed have kept the tradition/style/lifestyle alive.
But I do hope it’s true about the 80s coming back. I’m gonna buy a Trapper Keeper and start saving up for a fresh Pog collection.
With Google’s reputation for Easter eggs. I don’t know if this is edited, or real.
C# is only good as a scripting language in my usecase, and sometimes you want “hard-code” new features, not script them.
My recent experience with C# suggests you might have a much better time with it, than you think.
C#'s compile phases are nuanced and achieve surprisingly quick results, now.
If it’s been awhile since you used C#, you could be happily surprised.
Well said.
Here I am trying to wind people up and you’re responding with thoughtful nuanced consideration.
You make some great points.
I’ll add - for folks reading along - I do think a class is still almost always an anti-pattern, even with all the OOP class function and factory pattern stuff removed.
I also feel (as you referenced):
And also:
State data is a necessary evil in most programs.
I’ve found that most advanced class object
implementations treat program state data more like a pet than a threat.
Sorry for the long response - I know you don’t need it - you know what kind of tool you’re looking for.
I figure they extra detail above might provide food for thought for folks reading along who are surprised there’s even contrasting opinions on classes.
(And I feel a little bad for not really posting anything very useful earlier in the thread.)
It amuses me that someone downvoted classes suck
It’s an objectively true fact.
I setup a mail forward, and check the ‘to’ address to all incoming messages for about a year.