This must be why Ben Shapiro never gets his wife wet.
This must be why Ben Shapiro never gets his wife wet.
And they would inevitably get tangled up in your pocket every time and you had to deal with the cord somehow when you connected, usually under your shirt or something. I went through a new corded headphone every 3 months or so. Meanwhile, the free pair of airpods I got from work are still going after ~5 years.
“Shaking the juice” - is that the new euphemism we’re using now?
Maurice’s atrocities were so bad that they don’t even put them in the history books. The Holocaust pales in comparison to the things that Maurice committed.
Although we currently have an all-volunteer military, I don’t know that I could say that conscription would never be necessary. Certainly exceedingly unlikely, but not impossible. I understand the potential need for it as a backup plan, it just seems antiquated that we’re still only considering men as potential soldiers.
Same with me, they have some really awesome songs (Gay Bar, Danger, Synthesizer, a few others), but then a large part of their stuff is just really sub-par drivel, and I have trouble reconciling those two facts. I can’t believe it’s the same people that made all the same songs, did a key member of the band leave at some point?
When I initially heard that song I instantly recognized his voice, then later on heard or read something where somebody in the band said that no, it wasn’t Jack White, it was just someone else that happened to sound like him. Then, years later, I read or heard something else that said that, no, they actually joked/lied about that, it really was Jack White. Pretty sure it’s him, but that factoid has messed with me for so long.
This sounds more like a brag coming from the Right. “It’d be a damn shame if Trump showed up and bullied Kamala at the debates, I sure hope that doesn’t happen! (wink)(wink)”
Can we do something about making the Selective Service more equitable? Why is it that Men are the only ones that have to register for the draft? We have plenty of women serving in the armed forces, make everyone have to register.
He can’t pardon them, but he can probably just ignore whatever punishment is given and he’ll say he has presidential immunity (regardless of whether it fits, that’s the idea he’ll have). Then, if he becomes a sitting president, nobody will actually do anything to enforce the judgement against him and it’ll just be ignored, making presidential immunity to even state crimes a practical reality, even if it’s not a legal reality.
We’re going to have to get used to regions of the world becoming permanently uninhabitable.
I Bean meme
Time to lead by example.
Office supplies or gaming stuff
I could see something like that being done with music, I’ve never heard of it being done, but I could see it happen. Songs are usually just quick enough that I could see people listen to a song that evolves over time as the musician tries to get it “just right”. Usually though, people form a preliminary opinion about which tracks they like on an album and if it’s not good the first time, they’re not as likely to re-listen to a track (even if it got updated every few weeks/months). There’s a documentary on The Rolling Stones on how they came up with Sympathy for the Devil that shows how that song develops in the studio over time and it’s really interesting to watch it unfold, knowing what it will eventually turn into, but I can’t imagine doing that for a song that may or may not actually go anywhere.
With movies though, they probably have one shot to get it right, after that, most people aren’t going to sit through another showing of a movie to see what changes they make to it (changes they may not even notice). Games are so goddamn complex though that I can’t imagine any game getting released and not having to get patched at some point in its life-cycle. Plus, alot of games are meant to be played over and over again over the course of days/weeks/months, so it wouldn’t be a big ask to have people download an update for a game, especially if they’re fixing a bunch of shit that is annoying players.
And I’m sure whoever put it there faced way more harsher penalties than a certain someone who willfully hid highly classified documents in his bathroom for months and lied about it to investigators.
Not a doctor and just talking out my ass, but I’m assuming part of it has to do with patient workloads and dealing with insurance companies, they’re just not incentivized to really take any time with patients, just get 'em through the visit, check whatever boxes they need to, and move on.
But yeah, I very much have had the same experience for the past 10 years or so with my same doctor, it just feels absolutely useless going to them for anything. It takes alot for me to go to the doctor for anything or to bring anything up even with the doctor if it’s not life-threatening. I’m not a hypochondriac by any stretch, I just try to keep an eye out on my health and if I notice my body doing something out of the ordinary, I just ask about it to see if it means anything.
Before my regular check-up though I’ll kind of bank up whatever questions or oddities that I’ve noticed, things that I figure I can bring up and see if maybe it’s a sign of one thing or another. Most of the time when I mention anything though, it just feels like the doctor is blowing me off, or he’ll just give a guess, maybe google it and show some pictures. At best he might tell me something like, “Hmmm, well it’s probably not cancer.” and then just sort of shrug and move on. I’m a guy, so I’m used to no one caring about my health or well-being at all, but I think I had a different image in my head when I was a kid about what it was doctors actually did.
The one regular benefit I see from going to the doctor is getting my blood drawn and being able to track health numbers from that, my job does the same thing too, so I get two sets of numbers from my blood work every year and I track it to see overall condition of my health, which I kind of wish was something my doctor did. He’ll mostly just comment the most obvious thing possible when the test results come in, but there’s never a look at health numbers over time, which is why I started just tracking it on my own.
It’s so dumb, like of all the challenges facing us as a species now, THAT’S the shit that people are getting worked up about? Life on Earth for humanity is in the process of going through a set of major environmental changes that we’re probably not ready for and is going to have catastrophic results for some… and there’s people out there getting bent out of shape about pronouns and sexual orientation. We need to be doing alot more preparing for what’s coming over the next few years and a lot less bitching about things that don’t personally affect us. It seemed like we had made some big strides for awhile there, and that seemingly got erased within the past 8 years.
By the time that ever happens, it’d just be house arrest at worst for him.
Even r/spacedicks won’t post the historical photos from the aftermath of “The Muarice Massacre”.