Looks good to me!
Looks good to me!
Because it is.
At least drugs can be resold for a decent price if you don’t use them.
True. She needs to get an e-reader and just pirate them if she’s not gonna read them anyway!
Well, if middle aged guys spent all day beating up punks.
I love this series. I wasn’t sure about having a new protaganist and switching to turn based, but Ichiban’s an incredibly likeable character and the turn based style suits him.
Narrator: He never wanted to play them.
Books are generally cheaper, though.
“Of course I’m going to play it! For a few minutes to make sure it works, then into the backlog it will go, forever,”
Th ability to do so was added a while back.
Yeah, it’s actually helpful to have safe spaces for hateful assholes so they can be corralled away.
Sheogorath does not approve.
I know, but that part seemed more thematically appropriate based on the dream!
This is a HUGE deal in aging Japan, so this makes sense.
True. If you go back far enough, though, there must have been something that laid an egg, yet didn’t come from one itself.
It’s possible, but even at that level of detail it would have been trivial to add a white dot and elongate the red triangle. I’m thinking they intended it to be Palestine.
But what about chicken eggs specifically??
So in their case the preference would be, “Let me hunt stuff for fun, but gimme the canned food so I don’t have to actually eat them.”
“No Way to Prevent This,” Says Couch Fucker From Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens