Another article on Miyawaki, mostly positive despite the clickbait title. Has some pics and more of the history behind the method. Summary below:

  • Miyawaki forests are a technique pioneered in Japan that aims to rapidly regenerate diverse, multilayered native woodlands.

  • The method involves densely planting native species to recreate complex natural forests in a shortened timespan. Miyawaki forests have spread globally as a restoration technique.

  • Supporters praise the forests’ ability to quickly sequester carbon, boost biodiversity, and revitalize degraded land. Critics argue they lack long-term viability if not properly maintained.

  • Concerns include reliance on irrigation, use of non-local species, and focus on speed over ecosystem function. More research is needed on if Miyawaki forests provide ecological benefits akin to natural regeneration.

  • While Miyawaki forests show some promise for urban areas, some experts recommend approaches that work with natural succession and site conditions over the long term.

  • Track_ShovelM
    11 months ago

    We are dry AF up my way. About 450 mm of precip a year. We also have 6-8 months of winter, so things take a lot longer. The plus side is that soils stockpiles are likely inert in terms of changes.

    Not familiar with syntropic rows but I’ll read up.

    How do you thin them out?

    • Treevan 🇦🇺@aussie.zoneOP
      11 months ago

      I wrote a little here. You can see a photo I stole from an article.

      Thinning is a number of things. Brutalising through pollard or lopping, ringbark, cutting low once canopy established which tends to finish off the eoicormic/coppice shoots.