Petrified fucking terror. That’s the first thing you think when you look at Labour. A barely-concealed, buttoned-up, can’t-sleep-at-night anxiety, lurking just behind the eyes. They’re scared they’ll fluff it. They’re scared that in the white heat of the election campaign, the Tories will find some policy in their manifesto to weaponise against them and the whole thing will come crashing down.

  • frankPodmore
    9 months ago

    Nothing would make me happier than waking up one day and finding that the electorate suddenly supported the values, and economic system, I support. But that isn’t where we are, nor was it where we were under Corbyn.

    This is the main point when it comes to electoral politics. I didn’t support Corbyn but I was a big Ed Miliband fan (we do exist). In 2015 it became abundantly clear that most people just don’t see things the way I do!