Hey all,

I’m using librewolf as my daily browser on my laptop and bromite on my phone. The only way I can sync bookmarks is using xBrowserSync. works gret btw. However, this piece of software is not updated for 2 years now.

Is it still the best choice?

Thanks in advance.

  • @bbarker@lemmy.ml
    21 year ago

    Not exactly what you are looking for perhaps, but I’ve been using getpocket.com (from Mozilla) as a way to collect, tag, and read pages. It isn’t perfect, but for my purposes, it is pretty good. It has great support on mobile and in all major browsers, and there is an API for it (though I’ve not used it).

    • Cold Hotman
      61 year ago

      I can recommend the open source and self-hostable Wallabag if you ever want to leave Pocket.