• @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.mlOPM
    2 years ago

    If you have been a privacy enthusiast and use Reddit, Lemmy, Telegram and other stuff for it, the documented writeup might be a good way to learn about things. We can disagree on political stuff all day, but you will find this very interesting.

    There is also a section where one of the Reddit power mods admittedly want Lemmy to stay obscure.

    • @southerntofu@lemmy.ml
      32 years ago

      We can disagree on political stuff all day, but you will find this very interesting.

      I read it when you previously published it, and i’m personally not a fan of GrapheneOS approach. I was just pointing out posts on /c/privacy should be understandable by people passing by who don’t know the whole story, and that you could make a /c/graphenelies community dedicated to this particular story, where no additional context would be required in a post.

      There is also a section where one of the Reddit power mods admittedly want Lemmy to stay obscure.

      Fun fun fun :)