• Solar Bear
    134 months ago

    One of those two will be president no matter what you do. They will then be in a position capable of inflicting great damage. Trump will use that position to hurt more people than Biden. The math here isn’t complicated, and it continually astounds me how many people on the left cannot actually solve the trolly problem when faced with it for real. It really shows which people are engaged in politics as a means to an end rather than as personal expression or a hobby.

      • Solar Bear
        -14 months ago

        I don’t support anyone. I oppose the worst outcome, and seek to steer our course away from it. Only narcissists and hobbyists hyperventilate about who they are “supporting”.

        I engage in politics as a means to an end and nothing more. I take the best option available and I move on to the next task. To do otherwise is to value the self above the collective, and as a communist that is not a luxury I’m afforded.

    • @commie@lemmy.dbzer0.com
      14 months ago

      how many people on the left cannot actually solve the trolly problem when faced with it for real.

      i’m not willing to kill someone so i’m not going to flip the switch and send the trolley hurtling at them. even if all the democrats do it, i’m going to choose not to have blood on my hands.

      • Solar Bear
        14 months ago

        This is selfishness and self-importance. You value the cleanliness of your own hands more than you value the lives of those you might save. You would rather stand idly by and allow even more people to die, than get involved but dirty your precious hands in the process. But I guess if you feel like you’re above it all and better than the rest of us, there’s not much I can say to convince you to descend from your ivory tower and risk getting dirty.

          • Solar Bear
            4 months ago

            Well I guess as long as you’re just letting people die passively you can feel detached from the outcome. You’ve saved your soul, your hands are clean, you are absolved.

            • @commie@lemmy.dbzer0.com
              4 months ago

              if the option is let innocent people die or murder innocent an innocent person, it’s no choice at all. I’m not participating.fortunately, I expect to be able to vote for cornel west, so I do have a way to participate!

              • Solar Bear
                14 months ago

                Me, watching people die: “Don’t look at me, I voted for the guy that got 0.5%, my hands are clean”

                • @commie@lemmy.dbzer0.com
                  14 months ago

                  imagine thinking it’s ok to vote for genocide on the premise that it’s going to happen whether you vote for it or not. imagine: voting for genocide.

                  • Solar Bear
                    4 months ago

                    I’m not voting for genocide, I’m voting against the genocide getting worse. But again, you value this reactionary notion of purity more than you value the lives of the victims you could have saved. It’s all about how it makes you feel, not about having an actual impact.

                    There are two choices, I will vote for the one that results in the least people dying, instead of acting pompous and self-important. I will then begin working to make the next choice more in our favor. And I will keep repeating this process until I die, because life is hard and then it’s over.

                    I commend you for having the stomach to sit passively on the sidelines, watching horrors unfold around you, without ever getting involved. I lack that fortitude.