@fediverse What type of social media do you feel is lacking most in the fediverse?

To elaborate, there are a lot of different types of social media already on the fediverse such as microblogs, regular blogs, image sharing, link sharing and video sharing.

Personally, I’d love to see a gaming-focused social media platform on the fediverse.

  • Post
    21 year ago

    @me @carl @fediverse

    A good metaphor to be used for UI/UX could be Fediverse users as friends in a room commenting TV shows/news that are RSS/Atom feeds: friends can hear each others’ comments but TV is just a one-way communication medium.

    • Carl Heath
      21 year ago

      @post @me @fediverse That was indeed a good metaphor. I think that kind of interaction in the Fediverse would be very interesting to see. Cultural institutions, civic environments, public actors and so forth being able to use their ordinary web to tell of their activities, but where the choice to engage is on the receiving end.

      • Post
        21 year ago

        @carl @me @fediverse

        And we wouldn’t have comments split across multiple unofficial RSS->Fediverse bots as it is now.

        Bots connecting different platforms are a waste of energy (and therefore have an environmental impact) when we can instead have open protocols.