Don’t use Firefox, use Lynx.

Better yet, boycott http etc entirely.

Gopher or die.

Why are you still using a backlit display? Pipe your terminal into a passive character LCD and go to bed when the sun goes down:

Alt-ASCIIart image for those already on a 20x4 display (modified to fit in a 20x4 display):

║Debian GNU/Linux  ║
║ttyACM0  Login: █ ║

This is your life now.

Modern computing has revealed itself to be mostly unreasonable.

Go outside; potatoes need harvesting, the birds are eating your tomatoes, and the chickens haven’t been fed yet.

  • CounselingTechie
    4 months ago

    Still thinking about the sheer number of retro-computing people I know.

    Also you say this about the potatoes, tomatoes, and chickens, but what about the other plants? Your lettuce is looking wilty.