I’m thinking about deploying my own instance where I’d be the only user and most probable I won’t have any communities.
The only thing there will be my account to interact with as many other instances as I want.

What would be de pros and cons of having my account like this?
Would it be harder to interact with other instances in some way?

  • @russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net
    51 year ago

    I’ve had my instance running for a month now, and currently my volumes folder (which holds all the data for Lemmy) is only 493M, so I don’t foresee any storage issues!

    From what I understand, any images from other communities don’t actually get replicated to your instance (you just see a link to where it is saved on the original community), but I could be wrong on that.

    • @Neuromancer@lemmy.ml
      31 year ago

      If that’s true about images that does greatly reduce my concern. Text is small and easily compressed. That said, I fully hope to see multiple orders of magnitude of increased traffic if/as Lemmy gains traction.