Salt potatoes are a staple of cookouts and barbeques in the Syracuse area. They are typically found alongside Hotdogs, Hamburgers, steamed clams and, corn on the cob.


Makes: 6-8 servings or roughly 2000 grams total


3 Liters of water (plus more for washing)

2 Kilograms of whole Baby potatoes

250 grams of salt

As desired butter or margarine


  1. Gently wash your potatoes in cold water being sure to not to scratch or blemish your potatoes. Strain out the water
  2. Pour 3 liters or fresh water and salt into a pot of water on high heat
  3. Once the water water reaches a rolling boil put your potatoes in to the water and cover.
  4. Cover and cook for about 30-45 minutes
  5. Fish out a potato from the water and poke. If the potato is not fully cooked discard the potato and leave the remaining potatoes to boil.
  6. Once the potatoes have fully cook remove them from the water onto a perforated sheet tray or cooling rack to release steam. at this point they should develop a salty fuzz
  7. While the potatoes are steaming, melt however much butter you would like.
  8. To serve; Place potatoes on a plate or bowl pouring melted butter atop the potatoes.
  • clover
    4 months ago

    Am from Syracuse. Salt potatoes are king.