• @silence7OPM
    1625 days ago

    Nobody knows when you replace a heating system or a hot water heater.

    Nobody realizes that a big chunk of their electricity is now from renewables.

    Nobody pays attention to whether tailpipes are sticking out of other peoples’ cars.

    Nobody sees investments that have yet to pay fruit.

    • @fireweed@lemmy.world
      -125 days ago

      Everyone notices when transportation systems change.

      Everyone notices when more multi-family and other forms of dense, efficient housing are built.

      Everyone notices serious efforts to create 15-minute cities.

      Everyone notices when wildlife habitats are created/protected.

      Everyone notices when food prices/availability changes.

      Everyone notices when solar panels start popping up everywhere.

      Everyone notices when water restrictions change.

      The kind of substantial changes (not mild, incremental shifts) needed to avert climate change (and the multitude of other environmental catastrophes currently ongoing) would ABSOLUTELY get noticed. We are way, way past the point that a gradual shift to more efficient water heaters, electric vehicles, and a cleaner grid is going to do anything but slightly postpone what’s coming.