• MercurySunrise
    2 months ago

    The religious don’t technically believe in consent. Many religions accept rape in various forms/stories. I’m not saying it’s okay, I’m an atheist. I actively do not believe it’s okay. I’m saying it should be recognized that there’s cultures and ideologies in humanity that don’t recognize consent because they don’t actually believe in free will. My point in making the comment was to get feedback on this issue, not to be told what rape is, like I don’t know. Rape is also not the only kind of non-consent. There is also slavery and oppression. Possibly there’s even further terms of consent that most people are still unaware of. It’s a complex issue for some people apparently and religion makes it even more complicated. I think free will must be proven or there’s always going to be non-consent issues for our species, because people don’t feel responsible for the harm they cause to others and their environment. They think it’s “god’s plan” when actually, they’re just assholes.