It doesn’t really surprise me to hear this. A solid majority of Republicans favor government-funded health care. Surprised? You shouldn’t be. Republicans need help just like the rest of us. They’re just more concerned about who gets it. So even though we have more in common than not, it shouldn’t surprise us that we all assume the other side doesn’t know that.

    1 year ago

    The problem is those values are so vague that there’s room for massive disagreement and distrust even if you agree on those values. For example, to a Democrat, “fair enforcement of the law” probably brings up images of black men being killed or mistreated by police. For Republicans, the same phrase brings up images of Donald Trump being indicted while Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, and Hillary Clinton walk free. There’s not actually common ground there, since the two ideas of how to achieve “fair enforcement of the law” are so wildly different.