Seriously, on a daily basis I’ll either bump my head or various other body parts, drop stuff and then drop it again, stumble over something and combinations of all of that.

Send help.

Edit: thank for the suggestions, I will start by focussing on what I’m actually doing at the time and try to be more active - I work from home and sit a lot.

      1 year ago

      OP, this person knows what they’re talking about. One of the screening questions when I was diagnosed with ADHD had to do with clumsiness. My own parents used to call me, “An accident waiting for a place to happen.”

      I have slowly been able to improve my clumsiness a little bit, by exercising regularly with a trainer 5 days a week. One of those days is a balance-focused day and after 2.5 years I’m actually able to hold poses and (mostly) stay upright and steady. But it was SLOW going.

      The night before my 50th birthday, after I had been taking this class for 7 months, my husband and I were on a sunset cruise and his phone fell out of his pocket and over the side of the ship. I reached out with one hand and successfully caught it. THAT KIND OF THING NEVER HAPPENS TO ME!

      I celebrate that day every year as much as my birthday now. I managed to show off hand eye coordination before I was 50!

      Get screened… :)