Maaan! I got a rant. :-)
Sometimes i feel so out of place, like seeing the greater picture, and seeing some structural error in stuff i have to cope with. And naturally, my mind will come up with ways to do all that better. But of course, i’m not in a position of power to change things, and everyone’s voice wants to be equally important, and although i would have a plan ready there’s no way to just make it happen without others having understood and validate it, and there may even not be an environment that would facilitate real constructive discussion.

So often i’m seeing myself as fighting collective idiocy. It’s draining.

My current example (but it's just the thing which has currently captured me)

Edited this away because i feel too exposed. It’s not important what example i would bring. I think fellow fractal ND minds know what i’m talking about.

… And that while i know a lot about how the collective mind-field works. I know how to work in that, actually. If the people are tuned in, then i do not actually need to persuade anyone but i can do some magic and place an imprint in “the field”. Others would be a bit more slow in picking that up but i’d just need to be patient and in the end they would have done it the way i had known it all along. – It’s just that people are not usually connected and they probably never learned how to make an environment that would facilitate such a connection and harmonic tuning.

I should probably just get out of here, try to meditate, let it all go, and try to meet real people.

tl;dnr: Awareness can be haunting. In Process Work, it’s about “owning one’s rank”. Which needs the right environment.

How do you cope with knowing better but not being able to communicate it so that your being-there-knowing-it would actually make sense?

    1 year ago

    How do you cope with knowing better

    BIG IME - I think sometimes you gotta accept that maybe you don’t necessarily know better (it’s hard, i know).

    Especially with dev work (especially open source) - sometimes you’re limited by available technology, time, resources (servers, bandwidth, people, blah blah), etc. Your ideas may be good but not feasible (at the moment), for example.

    That’s not to say you can’t put forth your idea - repeatedly even. Keep being part of the conversation and ask questions, make suggestions. You just have to work on letting go of the frustration and seek to do some understanding of your own. The more you understand & learn, the more clearly you can communicate your own ideas using language / frameworks devs or others are more familiar with and the easier it might be to get buy-in for your ideas.

    I’ve also found it helps to refine the problem statement - outline the issues and problems without offering solutions straight away & see if others note the same problems? It seems silly, but sometimes it’s easier to get folks on board with problems…