• scutiger@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    Except redskins is offensive. It’s not the name of a group of people, it’s an epithet describing them.

      • Flying Squid@lemmy.world
        6 months ago

        Were you going to show us this poll or were you just going to expect us to believe that quote of yours isn’t one you just made up?

        • smooth_tea@lemmy.world
          6 months ago

          I like to omit the source sometimes just to draw out lazy comments like yours. It really shows that you’re not that interested but just want to argue. It’s the title of an article from one of the most prominent newspapers out there, it’d be the first result if you simply pasted it in Google, but rather than save yourself the embarrassment, you chose this route.

          Swing and a miss.

          The article is even better than the title.

          Among the Native Americans reached over a five-month period ending in April, more than 7 in 10 said they did not feel the word “Redskin” was disrespectful to Indians. An even higher number — 8 in 10 — said they would not be offended if a non-native called them that name.

                • smooth_tea@lemmy.world
                  6 months ago

                  From your link:

                  One way in which one would attempt to shift the burden of proof is by committing a logical fallacy known as the argument from ignorance. It occurs when either a proposition is assumed to be true because it has not yet been proven false or a proposition is assumed to be false because it has not yet been proven true.

                  On top of that, what you’re arguing doesn’t even meet the criteria for burden of proof, as I’ve already posted not only the title but also a quote from the article. I’ve provided proof. YOU made an unfounded claim that it was false. YOU lack the proof that what I’ve said is a lie when the evidence for what I’ve said is right there for you and everyone else to see. I’m not obliged to do your leg work because you choose not to accept it. You’re just displaying the lazy man’s version of moving the goalposts with some arm chair infantile argument. There’s toddlers with more well founded tantrums than what you are attempting here.