I realized I interacted / posted / commented less and less on reddit these last couple of years. Couldn’t even tell you why exactly. Now I’ve been here for a week and, I don’t know, I just like interacting again… Hope it stays like this for a while :)

  • Elevator7009@kbin.cafe
    1 year ago

    Wouldn’t the reputation system serve the exact same function here then?

    I did enjoy seeing my individual comments and posts upvoted, seeing that others liked my idea or dumb joke. But I really really cannot imagine many people being “karmawhores” or particularly interested in karma any more than I was, let alone enough to justify the amount of times people tossed around “you’re a karmawhore” accusations to genuine-seeming posts on Reddit.

    This might just be me being unable to fathom people being any different than me, though. I certainly like to see shiny numbers go up in video games, I guess maybe some people liked it on Reddit and went a bit too far to gain karma instead of approval of random people for a thought or stupid joke.