In a thread on reddit, someone said that they didn’t see what kind of problems the setting would present, and I thought that u/lawrencelot’s response was excellent enough to save and share here:

Someone stubbed their toe but has a fear of doctors. An organization develops a robot that can replace a deceased loved one. A family of badgers have built their home under railway tracks (note: this recently happened in my country). Alien contact. Someone is mean to a racist. Trees are growing their roots through nuclear waste from the past. A package was delivered to someone’s neighbour and that neighbour ordered the same thing. Clouds start forming mysterious shapes. A kid’s balloon flew away. All inhabitants of a city start having nightmares of an apocalypse. Someone throws soup at a famous painting to ask attention for robot rights.

It makes me really happy to see that other people get the concept, especially because I don’t pretend to have enough imagination to come up with as many ideas as this, so I’m really hoping that this game inspires others to come up with ideas like this that I can play some day.

  • AndyOPM
    5 months ago

    I love this.

    The first one reminds me – and this is somewhat silly – of an episode of Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman. I’m sure I’m not the only one who remembers this network TV series from the '90s.

    Anyway, there’s an episode where a team of a elite Nazis awaken from suspended animation in a bunker somehow far underneath Metropolis, and upon determining that the Third Reich fell, they set about infiltrating society and reassembling the Nazi movement. It’s a very cheesy episode, but as a premise I found it delightfully direct in giving the protagonists a wonderfully hammy anachronistic arch villain to oppose. I think that’s an evergreen story premise.