• lobut@lemmy.ca
    3 months ago

    I’m ethnically Chinese/Vietnamese but raised in the UK/Canada and basically have only had a really crap grasp of Chinese. So I’ve been actively trying to learn. The number of fucking Chinese people that tell me to shut up or that I sound stupid is insane. These aren’t even random Chinese neither, it’s my fucking friends. Some of these people speak English with a shit accent. I’ve never made of theirs and I just lightly correct their word usage (like if they’re missing a word or something). How the hell am I supposed to get better?

    Three years ago I said screw it and went with doing Duolingo with YouTube video support. I can now read and “write” (use pinyin) but speaking is poor because nobody wants to talk to me despite me having a lot of Chinese friends. Not gonna stop though. I’m starting to pay for tutors but this feels so silly because the point of me learning was to connect with my Chinese heritage. I should have picked up french instead.