Just wanted to write this quick guide (besides getting practice with my new Lily58) to ease the troubleshooting of at least one other soul who may find themselves where I was with building my board.

For those with blok microcontrollers, in case, like me, you do not see the microcontroller show up as a detected device in the qmk toolbox, fret not! It’s a little buried in the docs, but this is the solution I found and tweaked to make things as painless as possible.

  • Set your config in the online configuration tool and save the json format file
  • Open QMK MSYS and cd to the directory with the json file
  • Put the controller in boot mode now if you haven’t already (hold the boot button while plugging it in or hit the reset button twice)
  • Run this command

qmk flash <my-map.json> -e CONVERT_TO=blok

And bam!

Just do this for both boards if it’s a split board like the Lily58, and you’re all set! Hope this helps.