Is there anything you can bring kayaking, swimming, or really anywhere people are fishing that will scare the fish away from the fishers? Ideally something not very obvious, and for kayaking something you can easily turn on near fishers and off when you’re not near them?

    2 months ago

    Yeah, it’s called the kayak lol

    On a serious note, I don’t think there’s much you can really do to stop hobbyist fishers. The scale of factory farming dwarfs anything an individual does

    • @iiGxCOP
      02 months ago

      Yeah, the fish are too trusting 😅 I was kayaking real close to them, they kept a couple feet of distance but definitely wouldn’t care given the distance I got from the fishers. But if there was some way to scare them from a distance with a sound or even a scent they like on my boat so they come toward my boat and away from the fishers, I feel like it could be good?

      i agree the scale is completely different, to the point that looking at the numbers it doesn’t even make sense to focus on fishers and instead divert all that effort to industry, I think it mainly comes down to feeling powerless against industrial fishing / animal ag in general (vs the fishers are right there and it feels like a more even playing field), and a selfish/self centered annoyance that they’re making my time on the water worse by causing harm for fun which sucks to see and I feel disempowered from stopping them more directly.

      • @jadero
        12 months ago

        … if there was some way to scare them from a distance with a sound or even a scent they like on my boat so they come toward my boat and away from the fishers…

        So you would disrupt the natural behaviours of all the fish to save a few? That doesn’t seem like a reasonable way to reduce suffering and mortality.

        • @iiGxCOP
          2 months ago

          It’s not disrupting their natural behavior any more than fishing lures and bait are lmao

          if you’re about to walk in front of a bus do you want me to not say anything nor yank you out of the way to avoid disrupting your natural behavior?

          • @jadero
            32 months ago

            How is disrupting an ecosystem comparable to directly intervening to save a specific individual?

            If you want to lobby against and mount protests against angling, do it, but don’t compound the problem by further stressing the fish or tempting them away from their natural habitats and food sources.

    22 months ago

    Dogs work well. Mine have upset many a spawn camper by barelling through the river where their traps are set.

    • @iiGxCOP
      02 months ago

      Authoritarian describes what humans generally do to other species, not efforts to prevent them from being harmed

        2 months ago

        Authoritarian - adjective - favoring or enforcing strict obedience to authority, at the expense of personal freedom.

        You wish to limit other people’s freedoms that’s authoritarian. Fish can feel pain, but they definitely do not have a presence of mind. Fish are not people.

        Fishing is one of the most sustainable ways to eat and harvest meat. Eat and harvest meat. It is also one of the most environmentally friendly. You should rethink your militant Jainism

        • @Sizzler
          32 months ago

          I mean coming into c/vegan and arguing to eat meat is brave for a start.

          Then you try to justify with “they don’t feel”, “they are sustainable”, “environmentally friendly”.

          Fair play, you don’t have a clue do you?

        • @iiGxCOP
          22 months ago

          Fishing violates their freedom far more than me trying to protect the fish violates the freedom of fishers. But like most injustices, the oppressor sees their oppression being stopped as their rights being taken away.

          Is “presence of mind” what gives somone moral relevance? If so, you’d have no problem with someone hunting infants or humans in comas, right?

          The people who would be fish-blocked by me do not need to eat or harvest meat, so me trying to stop them is just as “militantly jainist” as trying to stop dog fights, another form of unnecessary violence to other animals.

            2 months ago

            I’m sure the shark asks for consent before he swims up to the tuna and takes a chunk out of him. Animals eat animals. We are an animal.

            • @iiGxCOP
              32 months ago

              Some humans have the presence of mind to realize we don’t need to eat other animals to thrive, and stop because it’s not good to cause unnecessary harm