Hiya, quick question! Do you have a system for backing up or game save files? I recently discovered GameVault, but the client seems to be a bit unfinished, from first glance, do correct me if I’m wrong. Are there any other similar clients like this? And or simple solutions for easy finding save files and backing them up?

Let me know your solutions!

    • @PoorPocketsMcNewHold@lemmy.ml
      11 month ago

      Quick question : What is your need of using Windows drives ? (Except if you are dual-booting, in that case, except for specific modding cases, why would you want to use it/mount it on Linux ?)

      For my own curiosity, you can generally install all Windows games via wine easily (except counter-claims)

  • mesamune
    21 month ago

    I’ve used nextcloud with a dedicated folder before. Steamdeck and miyoo mini works with it well. That or good old fashioned sd card, look for .sav then push all into another drive.