Bean used to live outdoors until my my sister’s friend found her under a deck. We took her in three years ago. She had seven kittens and we kept five. She is mean to her offspring but has been getting nicer to us slowly. When we walk the dog at night, she sometimes follows us around meowing at a distance; when she catches up and we go to pet her, she runs ahead, waits, and the cycle repeats. Why is she so concerned and not letting us touch her?

    1 year ago

    Cats can be very much like human beings in the way they deal with trauma. Clearly your little girl has had a lot of trauma in her short life. The fact that she is following you and communicating with you are good signs. Just let the relationship grow on her terms. Also, remember humans and cats can be food motivated. 😸

    By giving her treats, she eventually sees you as beneficial to her survival. As her comfort with you grows, she will surprise you pleasantly. The key is patience, understanding, and time. Just like a traumatized human takes time to recover, so does a cat’s. She may jump into your lap when you least expect it and claim you as her own.