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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • Don’t worry, I made you a quick install script to setup Frida for your Specific use case:

    mkdir "$DIR"
    cd "$DIR"
    python -m venv "./python"
    source "./python/bin/activate"
    pip install frida-tools
    wget https://github.com/frida/frida/releases/download/16.1.4/frida-server-16.1.4-linux-x86.xz
    unxz frida-server-16.1.4-linux-x86.xz
    chmod u+x frida-server-16.1.4-linux-x86
    echo "#!/bin/sh
    source ./python/bin/activate
    frida -R -l _agent.js \$(pidof steam)" > inject.sh
    chmod u+x inject.sh
    echo "#!/bin/sh
    sudo ./frida-server-16.1.4-linux-x86" > launch-server.sh
    chmod u+x launch-server.sh

    Make sure that your system has python3 installed, otherwise the script will most likely fail.

    Now run my script, then download my _agent.js from https://anonymfile.com/84jO/agent.js and put it into your /home/YourUserName/Frida folder. After that navigate there and run ./launch-server.sh in your terminal. Open up another terminal in the same directory and enter ./inject.sh already, but don’t press enter yet. Then startup steam and quickly execute the previously prepared ./inject.sh

    That’s it, good luck and enjoy :) If something’s unclear feel free to reach out, and I know injecting it is annoying but I just can’t be bothered to make yet another script to inject it fully automatically just yet

  • That’s how I’d do it, would be best if it’s encrypted in memory as well. Or at least encrypt important values so you can’t edit them with Cheat Engine or similiar programs. There’s also ways to make it harder to debug and reverse engineer your game if you want to look into them

    But whatever you do, someone will be cheating sooner or later. No way arround that, you can only slow them down

    Only exception is server sided games, but you can still create bots for those and maybe even find some way to exploit your code