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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • And his approach is increasingly flawed, as he has backed an apparent genocide which sounds absolutely like something Trump would do. I keep hearing soooo many whataboutisms when mentioning this, about how Trump would be worse, about how questioning this could put Trump back in office if it causes people to not vote for Biden, etc. But that’s the issue, as Biden was elected largely because he was seen as a pretty nice guy who was pretty decently prepared for the role, and specifically would try to fix the problems Trump created. And to be fair, he has fixed a ton of them and has overall decent track record of recovery for the country. However, it’s pretty clear he’s trying to bow to AIPAC so that they don’t try to tank the democrats in the next election, and in turn it is greatly tarnishing their reputation, more so than I think they’ve realized.

  • I wouldn’t worry about it. I was one of the gifted kids, got my Bachelors then Masters in Computer Science with good grades. But also I got massively depressed and it took me a while to get a job after graduation. One of the more valuable lessons I learned from that experience was that I was often not seeing the forest thru the trees. After all, going to college is just a means of hopefully ensuring that you have an easier time covering the cost of living long term. So, overall, if you’re happy and don’t have to constantly worry about your bills there was no real loss of potential.

  • Not really. I compared it to an older Chevy s10 for a reason. Those were relatively small trucks that, while not always the most reliable, are still a pretty decent option for most people. Kei trucks are a smidge smaller, but are better on gas and frankly less safe. I don’t think this is a “get rid of bigger vehicles and this goes away” but of a “Kei trucks aren’t really any safer than an off-road golf cart and current regulations allows them on the road”. We need the safety regulations so less people die on Auto accidents, and kei trucks don’t really have to comply with even the basic ones.

  • They’re not really safe. They are generally front heavy, so there is a risk of rolling forward, no crumple zone safety stuff, more often than not the front suspension is under the seat and if that breaks it would shoot up into the cabin, and on top of everything they are pretty slow. They have more in common with an off road Polaris than a traditional truck, which is to be expected because they were mostly designed to be farm trucks. I’d much rather be in an older s10 than a kei truck in the event of a crash (and s10’s aren’t very safe). I think I lot of why they are so popular these days is because there aren’t really any light trucks anymore, and these are an alternative.

  • Raspberry pi foundation was launched as a charity, and the end goal was to produce a ton of very cheap computers to help children learn about programming. Since then, it has been soo ubiquitous for embedded stuff that for the last couple of years they have basically become unaffordable for the very audience they were intended for. Now they are seeking an ipo because they are used in everything, except as cheap computers for children.

  • Badly worded title, but I encourage a read. The whole thing is incredibly screwy, and if you haven’t already I suggest look into the whole thing. A court in Delaware basically said that they couldn’t approve the payout for Musk because of the lack of justification. So, they decide that they are going to move incorporation to Texas (probably not a great thing, but this is Musk, so…), but it probably won’t happen until after the vote, which while they are pretty sure will pass (a looot of musk cultists on the board), but it’s going to be a lot more close than they expected, in large part because the company is quickly approaching a dumpster fire after the cyber truck debacle, Musk becoming a laughing stock from buying Twitter, recent layoffs already hurting Tesla (he laid off the supercharger dept, which probably would be one of the most profitable avenues for the future of the company), and his growing fame for being transphobic/racist. Seriously, the more you learn about him, the more of a parallel you have to Henry Ford (that is most definitely not a complement).