• 19 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Half of the fun is in making things, and you can only have so many sweaters before you have to start giving them away anyways.

    I’ll knit something for anyone, so this is exactly how I feel too. But for others (non-knitters) there seems to be this feeling that knit/crochet/quilted things should be treated as precious family heirlooms. Maybe because not as many people do these hobbies now? And/Or it’s still seen as something grandmas do, and things from your grandma should be treasured?

  • I didn’t mind the projectile part, probably because they never got me. It is pretty acidic and eventually stains an area no matter how much you clean.

    When dry the feathers feel smooth, but not really oily. If you’ve ever pet a duck it’s pretty similar.

    I did have an African penguin almost knock me into the pool once. It was nesting season and he tried to take my radio’s antenna. While it was clipped on my belt and I was crouched down scrubbing the edge of the pool. Luckily I regained my balance and he found a real stick to take instead.

  • Not owl-specific, but interestingly penguins go through what’s called a “catastrophic molt” where they replace all their feathers in a short period of time (a few weeks to a month).

    This is because they need their feathers to insulate them in the water. Typical bird molting, which lets most birds replace feathers without losing their ability to fly, would be like swimming with a leaky wetsuit for the penguins. This would force the penguins to burn too many calories just to stay warm. Instead they eat extra food leading up to the molt, then mostly stay on land and live off their fat reserves until the molt is finished.

    If you made it this far, thanks for reading my bird nerd tangent lol