• 84 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2023


  • It seems the Determinate Nix installer supports Fedora Atomic and SELinux.

    On topic:

    I really like Nix and home-manager. I’ve mostly switched to NixOS because it’s more convenient for window manager setups than building ublue images imo.

    Having to mess with containers for different dev environments and keeping the up to date is imo more annoying than creating a shell.nix

    Also being able manage my dorfiles with home-manager and installing software declaratively helps in keeping the system free of clutter.

  • I personally prefer top level subvolumes (@, @home, @var-log, @var-cache), because it makes it easier to know which system folders are subvolumes and back them up accordingly. They are then mounted at their respective location under /.

    E.g… I do snapshots looking at the btrfs filesystem and its top level subvolumes. I’m not doing snapshots going from the mounted root filesystem. I.e. I’d do a snapshot of @home, not a snapshot of /home.

    If you want to use backup/snapshot automation tooling, I’d recommend looking at how they expect the subvolumes to be set up. E.g. snapper and timeshift expect a specific layout (which can stil be done manually after OS installation, but why bother).

  • Hecken, 65, ist ein CDU-Mann und neigt eigentlich nicht zum Revoluzzertum. Doch die Geheimhaltungspläne der gegenwärtigen Bundesregierung bringen ihn auf die Palme, weil es dafür “keine wirtschaftlichen Vernunftgründe” gebe.

    Wenn ich einem CDU-Politiker voll zustimmen kann, während Pharmakonzerne eine Gesetzesänderung begrüßen, ist ein Gesetz mit Sicherheit Blödsinn.

    Das bisherige System aus Phantasiepreisen und Geheimverträgen, das die Staaten gegeneinander ausspielt und Patienten in ärmeren Ländern wichtige Medikamente vorenthält, könnten EU-Staaten nur gemeinsam überwinden. Die naheliegende Lösung wäre, die Preise für neue Medikamente zentral für die ganze EU auszuhandeln.

    Mehr Transparenz, am besten EU-weit, hilft gegen Wucher. Wenn Preise komplett geheim sind, werden die Pharmakonzerne fordern was sie wollen - und die Gesllschaft (und Ärzte) wissen gar nichts davon.

  • Chewy@discuss.tchncs.detoLinux@lemmy.mlProton Pass for Linux
    18 days ago

    They don’t take money from investors but grow organically, which limits their resources quite a bit. With more users being on other platforms and Linux being a bit more complex when it comes to amount of possible filesystem and other combinations I see why it takes them a while. Iirc they also do e2e encryption of (meta-)data which does increase complexity.

    Hopefully they’ll finish it at some point, as it’s been a long time since they announced Proton Drive. As I’m not paying for Proton, I understand a paying long-time subscriber might not share my acceptance of them zaking their time.

  • Sadly you’re right, I’ve watched the beginning of three different ‘critiques’ on YouTube, and all of their first points are summed up by ‘oh no, it’s multiple women in major roles’. And at least one of them didn’t like that Amandla Stenberg is non-binary.

    I for one like the first episode. Especially how they made clear that the politics and public perception of them is the jedi’s utmost priority, which might help explain the downfall of the jedi order in the prequels.