You ought to be. It’s a struggle meal, not because of the price but because you struggle to keep it down. The noodles feel simultaneously overcooked, limp and somehow grainy. The sauce is virtually flavorless except for a musky odor of nuclear cheese. The consistency of the sauce is like that of milk, and it does not adhere to the noodles. Your bowl will be a nice mix of cold, pallid noodle soup and boiling hot noodle soup.
I saw Obama in 2016 in Elkhart, IN, where he made the infamous “if if if if we…” gaffe. It was a fun speech and the crowd was very energetic.
It’s easy, they decided to wrap the button to be tight to the text itself, instead of a small rectangular area, so just aim for one of the letters and hope you didn’t accidentally hit the negative space inside one of them.
Go look at a tiny plant sticking out of a sidewalk crack. You’ll feel better
As a midwesterner who visited California once: fuck your InO, I’m keeping my Culver’s!
He seemed very jolly. He was preening his antennae, folding them over his hands and wiping them off. Very fun to watch
Here’s one I photographed a year ago
It’s crazy how the first time I read the comic I was fine understanding it but you hacked my brain and now I cannot read that character as a C anymore.
Oh I feel special, that was me!
That is also not a moss. It is actually a flowering plant in the euphorbia family. It is related to poinsettias, rubber trees, crotons and milk tree cactuses.
If you wanted to look at other cool plant photos I’ve taken I post on iNaturalist a lot. Here’s one of some wild lettuce:
Me for sure. I wasn’t the Shit I don’t know what to major in because nothing is really that interesting undergrad, I was the Shit I don’t know what to major in because I want to specialize in like 5 things undergrad.
So in other words, the big equation of gravity gives us a formula on one side, and the solution + x on the other, and we have to solve for x (dark matter) but we don’t know how to do it yet
It was fun the first time I successfully identified a species of maple from almost a mile away (it was a silver, not super hard lol)
Just like there is SpaceEngine, we need a Earth sim that let’s us to back to any time and have a realistic simulation of that epoch based on the best of modern knowledge.
Damn, it seems like they’re actually making an effort at improvement.
Chronicles of Riddick, Waterworld, Fifth Element. I love those cheesy, weird-ass movies
Okay I got the meme but I do not understand what ‘sprich’ is
Come on, come on, come on now baby…