It’s Democrat’s fault North Carolina, a red state, flooded.
It’s Democrat’s fault North Carolina, a red state, flooded.
Hey, you know how families with like ten kids used to sleep in a single room cabin?
They’ll be fine. Probably the highlight of their lives and school careers.
I’m interested.
I’m not going to listen.
But I’m interested.
Found the Deep State Baby Eater
Real Patriots Know The Truth when They Hear it 🇱🇷
You need to parry more on Reddit
Gotcha, find its card and rip it out.
Hmm. I’ll go ahead and give him two weeks.
There’ll be a slip before then, but it will be deniable, like he muttered it to himself and people aren’t 100% sure.
I strongly encourage all Florida pure bloods to stay out of the FEMA death camps. Shelter in place.
Fun Fact: when you’re heating the sewage water to drink in your flooded town, you don’t actually need to boil it. It’s fine to just heat it up until you can’t keep your hand in the water for ten seconds, that means it’s hot enough to kill bacteria.
They did in the Old Republic settings. I’m sure Disney will get around to fucking that up at some point, but for now it’s as canon as it can ever be.
You don’t get kicked out for having a family, they just get old and disapproving at you. Anakin was, and always will be, just being a dramatic bitch.
He’s SO CLOSE to dropping the n-word on a hot mic, I can taste it.
Uh oh, it’s USS Liberty time
Or is it because kids are dumb?
It’s dope and based
Plus, look at him. He’s such a happy little guy, everyone is looking at him!
See, some people think forcible sterilization is never acceptable, and yet we have multiple comments from people that didn’t read the study asking if the authors thought of something.
Maybe you’d know if you were literate.
You can have your balls back if you do your homework.
That’s going to happen in any community. All you can do about it is checking your own assumptions and providing what you see as proof yourself.
Or calling them a bunch of idiots. That won’t do any good, in a community sense, but it can be personally satisfying.
I think it actually reveals a pretty foundational aspect of the neoliberal viewpoint, that “providing jobs,” no matter exploitative they are, or how corrupt the industry is, is a fundamental good.
Never underestimate the “Centrist” capacity for ignorance.