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Cake day: June 7th, 2023

  • While you are correct that it will likely be expensive, it is important to note that Descovy is an existing PreP pill that Gilead makes. So the cost of the new shot is yet to be determined, but the company has been criticized for the cost of their current PreP medication option.

    It is also important to note that anyone with insurance in the United States will pay nothing, as the Affordable Care Act requires insurance to cover all PreP medications at no cost to patients. The pricing will only affect those who have no insurance at all, which makes this criticism all the more important to help this new medication reach those who would be the worst affected if they were to contract HIV.

  • I do have the family plan actually, I forgot about that!

    And I do occasionally. Certain live albums and more niche stuff can be hard to find, and one hit wonders can be tricky depending on the genre and time the song is from. The song I’m Blue by Eiffel 65 is only available in a longer club mix and not the radio edit, for example.

    I will say that, in my experience, it has a slightly larger selection than Spotify for classic stuff and different versions of the same song (covers, remakes, remixes, etc). For example, my husband was very excited that they had the whole readout of How the Grinch Stole Christmas by Boris Karloff (in two parts, but still) because they used to play it on certain radio stations every year around Christmas. On Spotify I was only ever able to find the same version of the song from several different albums of Christmas mixes.

  • They limited it to that because, at the time, there was only one way to make a lightbulb and they wanted a consistent brightness. The easiest way to do that was to make a standard filament, and the easiest way to measure that was to test how long on average it lasted.

    It is like saying a bread cartel was made by saying a loaf of bread has to be a standard weight and anyone selling a different weight was fined. Making an industry standard that is arguably for the benefit of the customer is not the same as planned obsolescence. Especially when you consider the fact that the 1000 standard wasn’t followed when they started making different kinds of lightbulbs that didn’t use filament.

  • It is that channel, yes!

    And here is the relevant link to the specific video he did on lightbulbs and why they aren’t an example of planned obsolescence: https://youtu.be/zb7Bs98KmnY

    The TL;DW is this: no matter what method you use, the process of converting electricity into visible light is going to generate heat. With old filament bulbs, they had to balance the intensity of the light with the rate at which the filament would burn. Those older bulbs that lasted ages gave off so little light that they weren’t practical because you would need several times as many lightbulbs. Turning up the amount of light meant the filament would not last as long, but you needed fewer of them. With newer models, we still have to play that balancing act, just with different electrical components, because making them brighter still means making them hotter and potentially frying the components inside.

  • Dude, vegans can and do eat fruits. For people who can’t afford seasonal fresh fruit, we have fortified foods like bread, pasta, rice, and cereals, most of which are also vegan. I specified rice and beans (and everything else you conveniently ignored, lol) because they make a complete protein, which is usually the only thing you need to monitor closely if you are vegan on a budget. Anything else and you are best off getting a multivitamin for best bang for your buck.

    Also, you saying none of us have been hungry and then lecturing us about not getting both fruits AND vegetables when fresh fruit is one of the most expensive things in a grocery store, outside of meat that is? You clearly have never been poor enough that you have been needing to have your ‘fruit’ be the cheapest jar of grape jelly you can find, or the cans of frozen ‘orange drink concentrate’.

  • Fruits are also available but usually tend to be more expensive and are usually considered a treat for people on limited budgets. Me not listing them was part of keeping to the usual budget shopping lists recommend for people with limited income. Unless you are further being a pedant and insisting that tomatoes are fruits and not vegetables.

    And while I am fortunate enough to live in the continental US, I mostly buy what is in season and local and therefore on sale for relatively cheap. And anywhere where that isn’t available, frozen veggies are available, often for even cheaper and with no difference in nutritional value or content. If you don’t have a fridge/freezer, dried veggies are also available in most markets (dried peppers especially) and canned goods are far better for you now than they ever have been, with only marginal decreases in nutritional value.

    Where do you live that absolutely no vegetables are available in any form for a dollar a can or five dollars for a family pack that would make a couple dozen meals for a family of four?

    (Edit: Or, if not in the US, where you can’t even buy local produce, unless you are in an area where there is famine. In which case you may object to the fact that almost half our farmable land is used to grow crops to feed to animals instead of being used to grow more food for humans.)

  • Yes I did. Mentioning the existence of a cashew product does not prove the claim that vegans are the reason for the increase in demand. Maybe you should read the sections that talk about the largest increases in demand, the largest markets for cashew products, and maybe look at the demographics of the countries that lead in demand.

    Edit: Here are the major points for anyone who can’t access the pages or is too lazy to read, btw:

    From the first source: An increasing number of cashew-infused product manufacturers have attracted young and old consumers with the launch of new and innovative products, such as cashew-butter yogurt in the United States and roasted spice-coated cashew kernels in India. However, the application of cashew kernels in consumers’ diets has been steady in South America, with multinational manufacturers penetrating the market with assorted cashew products, suiting the healthier diet regime across the country.

    Asia-Pacific is the largest consumer of cashew nuts in the world. In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in the use of cashew nuts in regular diets and healthy ready-to-eat snacks. The rising number of manufacturers producing innovative cashew-based consumables has taken both young and geriatric consumers by stride. For example, roasted and spice-coated cashew nuts that appeal to the local palate were introduced in India. The demand for cashews in Asia has persistently increased as the imports for shelled cashews increased exponentially by over 700% from 4,321 metric tons in 2017 to 30,688 metric tons in 2021 in China, with Vietnam being the major import partner according to the ITC trade map. China leads the region in cashew import, followed by Japan, Thailand, and India, respectively.

    From the second source, which talks specifically about the sales trends of processes cashew products, which are what vegans are being solely blamed for the increase in demand of in the article OP posted:

    Based on product type, coated or flavored cashew is expected to be the leading product type in the global processed cashew market. Consumers’ preference to eat salted cashew or various flavors is fueling the growth in the segment.

    Processed cashew are widely used in the food and beverages industry in various products such as protein bars and powder, cereals and muesli, dairy products, beverages, bakeries & confectionery. Amongst all, bakery & confectionery holds a dominant market share in this segment as processed cashews are widely used in cookies and biscuits.

    In other words, while there has been an increase in some products made with cashews that are solely eaten by vegans, the vast majority of demand and the vast majority of the increase in that demand comes from traditional uses and traditional markets, not from vegan dairy alternatives.

  • Interesting. I have not had any issues using their engine even with the issue with Bing’s API, but you are correct that they use Bing’s index. Given that there are only four indexes to choose from, that isn’t too surprising.

    I actually switched to them when I saw that DuckDuckGo was about to start providing ‘AI assisted results’. I wanted to ensure I was using an engine that actually respected my privacy and didn’t harvest my data for slop.

    Anecdotally, I can confirm that the results I get from SwissCows are very different and usually better than the ones I got from DDG. So I wonder how much of Bing’s API they use.