• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 27th, 2023


  • That doesn’t sound right. How can you guarantee zero fly/fruit fly eggs in something like orange juice with pulp. Fly eggs are tiny and can be found on fresh fruit skins even on the trees. Certain juices preclude the kind of filtration that could be used to achieve 100% fruit fly egg removal. I don’t know anything about European food regulations, but from a practical perspective it seems impossible to guarantee ZERO fruit fly egg contamination. Especially considering Europe tends to be more flexible with insects in food than the US such as Casu martzu.

    I suspect if there really is no max insect parts limit, there is a procedural requirement that ensures contamination is kept low.

  • I just don’t understand where they’re going to sleep. Like how do you pass this law and not think “okay it’s illegal, so when someone is sleeping outside we’ll fine them/arrest them, then they’ll go…?”. Like there is nowhere for them to go. Take it to the extreme and you arrest them all. But then you’re paying 80k/yr to house them in jail? You have to give them healthcare and feed them… Is the goal is to spend 80k/yr on every homeless person? Public housing is a fraction of the cost. And if you didn’t want to do that, you could just do nothing and let them suffer because you’re a callous conservative. But criminalizing not having a home is the most expensive way to house, feed, and insure the homeless.

    They never spend one second thinking about the outcome. Like a toddler throwing a fit about not wanting to go to sleep. You can’t stay awake forever, but toddlers don’t think into the future so they don’t realise that they’re going to go to sleep eventually regardless. That the only thing they can choose is the time.

  • There’s the apples and there is the bunch. IDF is the bunch I was talking about with individual soldiers who are caught committing the crimes being the bad apples. Hamas is all bad apples as far as the bunch goes. But if you’re insinuating that Palestine is the bunch then that’s just the kind of dehumanizing energy the IDF is looking for. You should join and take pot shots at kids playing in the streets to fill the hospitals before calling in an airstrike.

  • Hacksaw@lemmy.ca
    toMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldHe will weep.
    11 days ago

    If you “need to respect everyone” then why are you here defending JP who get far more respect than he deserves when you could be respecting and supporting the choices of minorities?

    Seems like your vocal, active, respect is EXTREMELY selective! You seem to mostly fight for the respect of people who actively advocate to disrespect the weak and disenfranchised. How strange!

  • Hacksaw@lemmy.ca
    toMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldHe will weep.
    11 days ago

    I’m not sure what part of respect and tolerance are a social contract is confusing to you. No it’s not a basic human right. If you spout off hateful rhetoric you can’t expect everyone “respect” you after. If you threaten to assault, or assault people, you can’t expect to be treated non-violently after.

    When the fuck was it a “basic human right” to be treated with respect even though you’re a raging violent asshole. Last I checked violence is met with the violence required to make you stop, then usually by further punishment.

  • Hacksaw@lemmy.ca
    toMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldHe will weep.
    11 days ago

    Absolute brain-dead take.

    1. English is a gendered language, therefore it’s important to gender people for basic communication.

    2. “Cis-male/trans-male” is more inclusive than the cisnormative “male/trans-male”.

    So until everyone accepts that “male” includes cis and trans, anyone who intends to respect basic human dignity will use “Cis-male/trans-male” when discussing gender. Simple as.

  • Hacksaw@lemmy.ca
    toMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldHe will weep.
    11 days ago

    Respect is a two way street. It’s a contract between people. If someone threatens you, as in his tweet, he doesn’t get to have respect. If someone is “just asking questions” like you are… You don’t get to have respect.

    • Isn’t it strange that your questions seem to only go on one direction?
    • Why aren’t you asking questions of JP?
    • Why does he not want to be called cisgendered when that’s what he is?
    • Is it because removing the prefix “cis” makes it easier to alienate trans people?
    • Why are you suddenly obsessed with respecting other people’s “chosen” labels?
    • Do you think “cis” and “trans” are a choice?
    • Have you supported queer peoples labels in the past?
    • Why do you only take on the position of “let’s respect other people’s basic humanity” when defending heinous right wing grifters?
    • When have you defended the basic humanity of minorities in the past?
    • Why do you demand your one sided leading questions be answered in a meaningful way but there isn’t a chance in hell you’ll answer these ones meaningfully?
    • Why aren’t you pointing out that a grown ass man, brain damaged or otherwise, threatening strangers on the internet isn’t respectful behaviour?
    • Why do you think disrespectful behaviour should be met with respect?
    • Would you respect someone threatening to assault you?
    • Would you respect someone entering your home?
    • Why are you such a coward? when someone threatens you shouldn’t you defend yourself?

    It’s so easy to look like you aren’t an absolutely garbage human being under the guise of “just asking questions”, but people are waking up to your bullshit right wing technique. In the words of innuendo studio

    And because these folks keep showing up in each others’ metadata, regardless of what they say, Google thinks there is definitely a relationship between the guy “just asking questions” and the guy denying the Holocaust


  • You literally used the fact that states are currently undoing abortion access in your argument that you support states right to choose!

    Edit here are some quotes, all I removed was rambling

    The third option is we split up, and go our separate ways. Personally, I prefer the third option, and I think it’s already happening.

    Take abortion, for instance. The overturning of Roe v Wade didn’t make abortion illegal throughout the whole country, it simply returned the matter to the states.

    But that’s not necessarily a bad thing. I think it’s better to have a weaker federal government and for more power to be returned to the states